Post answer to ch. 5 question HERE! Due Th. Nov. 10, 8am

Hello students!  In a “reply” to this post, please answer ONE of the following questions at the end of ch. 5 (p. 143): the Ethics Question (there’s only one), OR Practice Question 3, any part (a, b, c, d OR e) OR Practice Question 4, any part (a, b, c, OR d)!  You can use this link to the text of the U.S. Constitution 00 scroll down to find the amendments (including the Bill of Rights).  PLEASE identify what question you are answering, and either rewrite the question, or answer it in complete sentences that show us what the question asked!  For example: “Practice Question 3.a: The amendment that gives US citizens to the right to freedom of the press is the ___ amendment.  The relevant language of that amendment is: ‘Congress shall make no law . . . [fill in the rest]'”  You can use this link to access the text of the

Click “leave a reply” below or the comment bubble above, then write your answer!  Thanks!

Respond to “Sussman v. Grado” case here! For Th. Nov. 3 class.

Hello Students!

For Thursday’s class (Nov. 3), please read this Sussman v. Grado case about a paralegal who engaged in unethical conduct.  Please write a short response to the case in a “reply” to this post.  For example: what did you think of what the paralegal did, and/or the outcome? What surprised you about the case?  What question(s) do you have about it?  Anything at all!  Please demonstrate through your response that you read and thought about the case.  We’ll discuss it at the start of Thursday’s class!

DON’T forget! Answer ch. 4 question by 8am tomorrow!

Hello Students!

GOOD NEWS!! 🙂  We have lots of terrific topics to discuss with guest speaker Vanella Douglas, thanks to your great questions!  BAD NEWS 🙁  We won’t discuss them tomorrow (Tue. Nov. 1) because she had to postpone her visit to next Tue. Nov. 8.  More GOOD NEWS!  You’ve already done the homework assignment for that class!  And if you didn’t, you’ll get another opportunity!

DON’T FORGET!  By 8am tomorrow (Tue. Nov. 1), please read all of textbook ch. 4, both parts linked in the Assignments tab, and choose ONE of the questions identified in my post below, and answer that question in a “reply” to that post, as explained.  Be sure to state what question you are answering!

See you tomorrow!


By 12 noon Mon Oct 31! Post questions for Vanella Douglas HERE!

Hello Students!  On Tues. Nov. 1, we’ll be visited by Vanella Douglas, an outstanding graduate of our program.  While she was a student here, she was involved in the Law and Paralegal Studies Club, the Student Government Association (SGA), and the University Student Senate (USS).  She also participated in Fordham Law School’s “Increasing Diversity in Education and Law” (IDEAL) Program, “established to diversify the legal field by investing in motivated and talented underrepresented students and providing important resources, including internship experiences, networking, and mentoring to enhance opportunities for success” (as Fordham describes it).  She currently works as a paralegal for the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office.  She is preparing to take the LSAT and start law school in the near future.

Click “leave a reply” below or the comment bubble above, then write your question!  Thank you!

MIDTERM EXAM is Thursday! Resources are posted!

Hello Students!

Great job in today’s midterm exam review!  I’ve posted those class notes, which include the review questions we covered (plus a few more), as well as the answer key to quiz #2, and our fabulous photos from last week’s walking tour of the courts, all in the “Class notes…” tab!

In prep for Thursday’s Midterm Exam, please check out these Study Suggestions, and review all of your notes, quizzes, the “class notes” posted here on OL, assigned readings, etc. You may bring your paper copies of the federal court system charts & maps that were distributed in class: this chart from your Civil Lit textbook; this color chart ; and this map of federal judicial districts and circuits.  **I will NOT bring paper copies of these documents to the exam, and you will NOT be permitted to access them electronically!!  Please also bring a writing instrument, and your big, smart BRAINS!!  You won’t be permitted to use phones, or anything else, during the exam.

Enjoy the rest of the day and tomorrow, good luck studying, see you Thursday!



Coughlin’s timekeeping assignment!

Here is how I spent my time on Monday, October 17, 2022, from 3pm-7pm: 

Proofread and finalize LAW 1101 midterm exam — 1.0

Prepare assignment and midterm exam study sheet for LAW 1101 class — 0.75

Clean up my desk, finish a few emails, shut down computer for the day, get work materials ready for tomorrow — 0.25

Travel from City Tech to my friend Lucy’s home in Crown Heights (4 train) — 0.50

Visit with Lucy, catch up on family, what’s new, etc. — 1.0

Travel from Lucy’s home (Crown Heights) to my home in Downtown Brooklyn (4 train) — 0.50

Reaction: This activity reminded me of my law firm days, when I used to have to keep track of all of my work time.  It took me a little while to get back in the habit of checking the time when I started and completed each activity, so I could record it accurately.  I was surprised at how much I did during those four hours!  It didn’t seem like much at the time, but when I listed everything out, it looks like I was pretty productive.  🙂

TRIP today! Th. Oct. 13

Good morning Students!

Just a reminder, TODAY (Thursday, October 13) is our walking tour of the courts near City Tech!  Please meet at the 300 Jay Street entrance to the college (NOT the classroom) at 10am SHARP!!  We’ll leave soon after.  Let’s hope the rain holds off till we’re finished!  If you’re under 18, please remember to bring this completed form to the trip.

See you soon!


No meeting today! (Tu. Oct. 11) Take quiz # 2 on Blackboard!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, TODAY, Tuesday, October 11, we will NOT meet in person for class!  Instead, please complete Quiz #2 (Court Systems) which is now available on Blackboard, the first item under “Content.”  Please complete it during any one hour before 5pm, in one sitting — so once you start the quiz, you must complete and submit it before logging off Blackboard.  If you have questions or technical problems during the quiz, or you need additional time, feel free to call me at 917.363.0063.  (Please don’t email or text me, I may not see it promptly enough.)

Another reminder, this Thursday, October 13, we’ll take a walking tour of the courts near City Tech!  Please meet at the 300 Jay Street entrance to the college at 10am SHARP!!  We’ll leave soon after.  Wear comfortable shoes, and hope for nice weather!  If you’re under 18, please complete this form with your parent or guardian and bring it to the trip on Thursday.

Good luck on the quiz, have a great day, see you Thursday!


NO meeting Tu. Oct. 11! Quiz #2 on Blackboard instead!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, on Tuesday, October 11, we will not meet in person for class!  Instead, you will complete Quiz #2 (Court Systems) on Blackboard, during any one hour between 10am and 5pm.  At that time, you’ll find the quiz under “Content.”   Please complete the quiz in one sitting — so once you start the quiz, you must complete and submit it before logging off Blackboard.  If you have questions or technical problems during the quiz, or you need additional time, please call me at 917.363.0063.  (Please don’t email or text me, I may not see it promptly.)

Another reminder, on Thursday, October 13, we’ll take a walking tour of the courts near City Tech!  Please meet at the 300 Jay Street entrance to the college at 10am SHARP!!  We’ll leave soon after.  Wear comfortable shoes, and hope for nice weather!  If you’re under 18, please complete this form with your parent or guardian and bring it to the trip on Thursday.

Enjoy your evening and weekend, see you next week!