Law in Culture

The source I chose is a documentary titled “The 13th” directed by Ava DuVernay. This project was released on October 7th 2016. The documentary focuses on racism and the prison system affecting Black and Brown People. It also speaks on matters such as Police brutality and misconduct, civil right activists and the constitution etc.

The title is actually referring to the thirteenth amendment in Section 1, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”.  There are a lot of cases where people were arrested before identifying if they were innocent or guilty (which the film addresses). In the beginning of the documentary it was said that although slavery was abolished over 150 years ago this issue still exists in the form of mass incarceration. For example after the civil rights movement,  African Americans were getting arrested for “Minor crimes” such as “Loitering and Vagrancy” which led to the prison population increase. It was also stated that “While black men account for some 6.6 percent of the U.S. population, they currently make up 40.2 percent of the prison population”.

Throughout the entire film there were several topics discussed, however they all branch out the main focus which is racism. As mentioned before the documentary speaks about civil right activists and how they were portrayed as “Menaces” for simply standing up for basic human rights. An Educator in the film mentioned how black people travelled and moved to different areas hoping to escape racism from the south but they still faced this oppression because of constant racial profiling/stereotyping. Some of the cases that were mentioned is the Central Park 5, Florida V. Zimmerman, Kalief Browder V. New York, unfortunately these were all cases that included African Americans being targets because of racist stereotypes and Injustice. There are many cases where innocent lives were taken away and imprisoned because of discrimination and false accusations.

This documentary was very informative. This portrayed the legal system accurately because it shown how racism still exists, and how Black and Brown people are most likely to be wrongfully convicted then any other race. They provided us with so much facts and statistics. Guest speakers like teachers and some of the survivors of police brutality, and wrongful convictions took the time to talk about their stories. I learned that there were movements passed by some of the past U.S. presidents that I wasn’t aware of until recently, rarely anyone has mentioned them. I recommend you to watch it because it is very educational.  Watching  documentaries like this makes me want to be something in the legal fields so I can help people who have gone through or are going through these issues.

Link of the Documentary :                (Time 1:40:02)

Ava Duvernay interview on “The 13th” project:   (Time – 13:00)

Time Keeping assignment

How I spent my day yesterday October 22, 2022 from 1:30 to 6:30

I cleaned me and my little sisters room – 0.25 (Folding blankets, fixing pillows, organizing)

Started using my phone – 2.0

Checking school email and blackboard to see what assignments I should complete – 0.25

Helped cook lunch for me and my family – 1.50  (Preparing ingredients 0.25, cutting vegetables 0.25, cooking the meal 0.75, and serving the food 0.25)

Began doing my Homework – 1.75 

Reaction: Overall it was a calm day. I think this assignment helps you create a schedule for yourself, once you finish a task, you think about what other things you plan on doing. It keeps you organized which is helpful when wanting to be productive.



Law in Culture

 The source I have chosen was a documentary titled “The 13th”, which is based off the thirteenth amendment itself. It addresses the issues of Mass incarceration as well as race and social injustice in America. This film was directed by Ava Duvernay, and was released October 7th, 2016.  You can watch this on Netflix or YouTube. I chose this documentary because I feel that it is very informative and meaningful. Teachers in the past have told my classmates and I that it has won many awards and addresses lots of problems (with evidence/footage) that have happened in the past, and that are occurring in the present. While I was doing my research on the film, there are many politicians, teachers/professors and even survivors who experienced these issues who come to speak out and share some knowledge on the topic. I’m sure watching this documentary would teach me new things that will help me understand more about the U.S. legal system.

Where do you want to work?

I chose to apply to “Aaron Wallenstein’s Law office” because he is a very educated and trusted lawyer. His firm is located in 160 Broadway New York, NY 10038. According to his past and current clients, he made sure to walk them through the statuses of their cases and assures them they are in good hands. His professional and supportive attitude, along with his success is what grew his foundation. This office is a small firm & handles many areas such as False impersonation, Licensure, child endangerment etc., but mainly focuses on Criminal defense. I believe working at a smaller law firm is helpful because it is easier to get in direct contact with your lawyer/clients.

I would want to work in this Law office because Mr. Wallenstein and his team seem to be very passionate with there professions and are known to be experienced. He helps defend people who’ve gone through police brutality and wrongful convictions. I mentioned these two topics because they usually don’t get enough attention and I appreciate that Mr. Wallenstein addresses these issues. According to (The law firms personal website), he has “Successfully handled” over thousands of cases which is good to hear. This firm has so much great feedback. Clients have been sharing and recommending their fulfilled experiences. It is important to work in a helpful and positive workspace and “Aaron Wallenstein’s Law office”  shows that.

Who I am

Hello, my name is Hadil. I chose to major in Law & Paralegal studies because I grew up interested in the legal fields. I like to watch movies/documentaries based on court cases and solving mysteries. I want to help people who are, or have gone through wrongful conviction, Police brutality, racial profiling etc. Although I don’t have a specific career in mind, I’m hoping its something that can help ease peoples lives and stand up for their rights.

 I didn’t really do much this summer. I went out with family/friends here and there but I also like spending my days off at home. It was a calm and relaxing summer overall. Looking forward to learning more about law !!!