Final exam grades posted! & last class (Tu Dec 20)

Hello Students!  I hope you had a productive weekend and your end-of-semester activities are progressing well.

Your final exam grades are posted in the “GradeBook” here in OpenLab.  Most of you did terrific!  I’m working on your final course grades and will let you know when those are posted in CUNYfirst.

Tomorrow (Tu. Dec. 20) is our last official class session!  As the syllabus notes, it’s a wrap-up of the course, and a look toward your future in our program.  I’ll be available in our regular classroom with your graded final exams, and candy, and CUPCAKES!  You are welcome to drop by to address topics related to our course or our program, or any other topics you’d like!  You are also welcome to use the time in any way you deem most beneficial at this challenging end-of-semester period.  I will be in the classroom till 10:30am or so, then if no one is there you can find me (and cupcakes!) in the department office, N622.

See you tomorrow, or otherwise soon!



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