
How I spent my day Sunday, October 23,2022, 8:00AM-5:00PM

Woke up and got myself out of bed. -.25

Went to the bathroom to shower, brush teeth, do skincare. -1.0

Got ready for work. (put lotion, deodorant, face cream, lip balm on, Got dressed, did my hair, etc.) -.75

DoorDashed some McDonald’s breakfast and watched YouTube (Hailey Elizabeth) while I ate. -.50

Left out and walked to work. -25

Got to work, it was pretty slow so started on small restock. -.50

Started getting busy (Sunday brunch) so got back to actually working. -1.0

Still busy. -1.0

Still busy but switched tasks with my coworker. -1.0

Slowed down a little because of the rain so I started cleaning up and getting everything organized. -.50

Did another restock. -.50

Got busy again so got back to that. -1.0

Finally got my break got to eat and chill for like 30. -.50

This was pretty fun. It was nice to log my day. I chose to do 9 hours instead of 4 because I was pretty much just working for 5 of them before my break and then I just worked more after my break. I would probably like to do this again but maybe for like after work or a day where I don’t work.


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