Time Keeping Assignment

How I spent Friday, 10-21-2022 from 12:00 – 4:00

Made and ate scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and turkey bacon. -0.50  

Got ready to go wash laundry -0.50 

I walked to Harlem Spin City Laundromat and put blankets, comforters, and other bedding to wash. -0.25  

While waiting comfortably (was the only person inside) for things to wash was on phone -0.50 

Took the bedding out of the washers put them into the dryers and waited -0.50 

Took everything out of the dryers folded it all bagged it and put it in my cart. -0.25 

I walked home and lifted everything upstairs -0.25 

Organized and put everything away -0.25 

Made burgers for family and me  -0.50

Hopped on PlayStation -0.50 

This task was fun because I never really pay attention to time so I felt more in control/conscious of what I spend my time on. Also, it was very informative because it showed me I don’t have to procrastinate to do homework since I don’t procrastinate for anything else like; chores making time for people, or hobbies. Furthermore, this showed me I should attempt to do school-related things more often and earlier in the day by thinking of them as something I don’t procrastinate at or a chore. 

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