Timekeeping Assignment

This is how I spent my day on Sunday, October 23, 2022 from 11am – 3pm.


Woke up, got ready and had breakfast – 1.0

Organized Google calendar, Google Keep, Google docs, and Notion (reorganized classwork and homework, classes, and important dates)  – 2.0

Watched YouTube and spent time on social media – 1.0


Reaction: Although I didn’t do much, while doing these things, it felt like much more than four hours had passed. Organizing my things felt even longer than two hours, but I did get a lot of work done during that time. Overall, I liked this assignment but it was a very slow day so I didn’t have much to do. I do want to start doing this in my day to day life though, I feel like it would help me become more organized and help give a sense that I have my life somewhat together. 

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