Resumes posted!

Hello Students!

Great work today providing comments on each other’s resumes!  I hope everyone found our discussion useful.  I’ve posted all the resumes we reviewed in “Class notes & materials” under today’s notes.

Please use what you learned in today’s discussion, from the many samples we’ve reviewed, and information in ch. 2, to revise and improve your draft resume.  Then please email your revised resume as an attached Word document (not a link!) to me before the start of class on Tuesday, Sept. 20.  Here are a few reminders:

  • List education and work experience in reverse chronological order (from most to least recent).
  • PROOFREAD!!  Your resume should not have any errors.
  • Always be TRUTHFUL!  Don’t say anything that is untrue, even if you think it will help you get the job.  You are impressive enough!  You just need to express it effectively.

I really look forward to reading your revised resumes!  I will email comments to each of you that you can incorporate into your final resume, which will be graded according to the rubric in the assignment.

Have a terrific weekend!


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