Law Office

The Law Office I decided I want to work for is Morgan & Morgan, located right by the Empire State Building, 350 5th Ave Suite 6705, New York, NY 10118. This firm is a personal injury firm meaning they have attorneys who represent people who have been injured. Morgan & Morgan is a big law firm and they have many different locations and is known as America’s Largest Injury Law Firm. I’m interested in working at this Law firm because personal injury law is what I’ve been leaning towards more recently because I want to help others like my lawyer helped me. I also really appreciate how they have this “If we don’t win, you don’t pay” rule. That’s really great because people who get injured, are suing because they need money to cover medical expenses and for a law firm to not be able to get them any type of money and still charge for there services is pretty messed up in my opinion.

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