Reminders for tomorrow’s class! Tu Sept 13

Hello Students!  I hope you all enjoyed the weekend.  Just a reminder, in tomorrow’s class, we’ll start preparing your resumes and cover letters to use to apply for paralegal positions!  In preparation, please read textbook ch. 2 pp. 38-52, and please review the actual student resumes posted on the “Assignments” page.  As you read the resumes, please consider (1) what you like about each of them, (2) what you think could be better, and (3) questions you have!  We’ll discuss those items during class.  Before tomorrow’s class, please also reply to a fellow student’s “Who I Am” post!  Here are instructions for replying. 

A couple of reminders for Thursday, Sept. 15: your first draft resume is due by email 8am; we’ll take Quiz #1 on chs. 1 & 2 at the start of class; and your “Law in Culture” source is due here on OL by the end of the day!  Here’s that assignment.

Enjoy the rest of today, see you tomorrow!



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