Reminder: NO class tomorrow! (Tu. Nov. 29)

Hello Students!

I hope you all enjoyed a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and relaxing days off from school!  Just a reminder, we will NOT meet tomorrow (Tues. Nov. 29), in place of the court observation that you completed with our group or on your own.  Our next meeting is Thurs. Dec. 1 when we’ll discuss Legal Writing.  In preparation, please read textbook chapter 9, especially pp. 251-260 (on the various types of legal writing).  Please also post your Law in Culture review here on OL before the end of the day on Th. Dec. 1 — review the assignment for requirements!

Finally, if you didn’t already, please contact me to schedule a time to give your “oral presentation” on your court visit, during or before our class on Th. Dec. 8!  This is a required part of the Court Observation assignment that comprises 5% of your course grade.

Enjoy your class-free day tomorrow, see you Thursday!


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