Post response to election news HERE! By 8am Th. Nov. 10

Happy Election Day!

Today (Tu. Nov. 8) is the General Election for several important offices including New York State’s Governor, and all states’ (including NY’s) representatives to the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives (Congress).  By 8am Th. Nov. 10, please read, watch or listen to any source of news or commentary about the election.  Then post a “reply” to this post in which you (a) identify the title and source of what you read, heard etc. (with a link if possible), (b) write a short summary of what you read, heard, etc., and (c) tell us what YOU thought of it, such as whether you agree or disagree, or any questions or concerns you have, etc.  We’ll discuss them in class!

See you Thursday!



10 thoughts on “Post response to election news HERE! By 8am Th. Nov. 10

  1. Watching various news channels and articles about the 2022 election was very entertaining. Politics is a very common topic to speak about in my house, so I’m quite used to these discussions and debates. I am happy New York has its first female governor, and consider this is to be another big step for women and for progress. As we know, crime, housing, and inflation have been our biggest issues as of late, and I believe it’s safe to say that the majority of New Yorkers are not happy about this. I have heard and read that many of those who usually vote blue, have voted red, which is surprising to hear. This was an extremely close race, in which Gov. Hochul won by 5%, which is not a lot. I was actually extremely underwhelmed watching the elections, but really enjoyed reading articles and comments about it online. All I can hope for, is for this city and state to become a better home for all New Yorkers.

  2. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, won the election and became New York’s governor. It’s truly empowering for women and the young generation to know that they have a voice in our democratic system, especially with the recent changes in Roe v. Wade. I found this election truly intense since the percentage was so close. Lee Zeldin (a Republican) had 47.2% compared to Kathy, who had 52.8%; it was a very close race, but I’m happy with the results that New York remains a blue state, which is important for presidential elections because New York has a lot of electoral votes (29), and it’s now a blue state, which gives us hope for the future. I was also interested in AOC’s candidacy for New York’s 14th Congressional District, and she won with such a high percentage (70.6%) against Tina Forte (a Republican), who received 27.5% of the votes, demonstrating how motivating she is and how the community needs more advocates like her. ( My Opinion ) 🙂

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