By 8am Tu. Nov. 1: Post your answer to ch. 4 question HERE!

Please! Read all of textbook ch. 4, both parts linked in the Assignments tab.   Choose ONE of these questions on p. 117: Ethics Question 1 OR 2, OR Practice Question 4 OR 5!

Click “leave a reply” below or the comment bubble above, then write your answer!  Be sure to state what question you are answering!  Thanks!

8 thoughts on “By 8am Tu. Nov. 1: Post your answer to ch. 4 question HERE!

  1. Ethics Question 1

    Norma Sollers should not sign Linda’s name because it is illegal and unethical, even if Linda herself said it was okay to do. What Norma should do is restate that to Linda and if possible, go deliver the documents herself so that Linda can sign. If not, Linda will have no choice but to come into the office.

  2. Practice question #4

    Matthew Hinson can tell Samantha that he is unaware of the answer because he simply does not practice the needed fields. He can also say that as a legal technician he can not give legal advice. Samantha must contact a lawyer in order to get an accurate response to her question.

  3. Ethics question #2

    Dover Cleary and Harper’s law firm is guilty of Ethical violation since they breached their responsibility to keep their client’s information confidential and did not inform their clients about their Cloud Service provider.

  4. Ethics Q 1

    It is illegal to sign a client’s name in their presence, even if the client suggested it; therefore,Norma Sollers should pay attention to the client’s needs while also speak with an attorney about the matter. The only other option is for the client to come to the office if she has  the time to do so after the client cannot sign this crucial document outside of work.

  5. Practice Question #4

                   Samantha Eggleston is curious about the child support payment she will be receiving, however, legally Matthew Hinson cannot answer her question. The reason behind this is that Matthew is a legal technician. This is a question for the attorney on her case, not the legal technician. This is a matter of what is called Attorney-client privileges. This is a legal privilege that protects confidential communications between an attorney and their client. Matthew could explain to Samantha he cannot answer her question and that she would have to contact the attorney on her case.

  6. Ethics Question #2

    The law firm is, in fact, guilty of a violation since it had breached the confidentiality of a client and their financial private matters were openly disclosed in the media. Not only that, but it also violated attorney-client privilege, which is a legal privilege that keeps any communication between an attorney and a client private information. The law firm did not also inform the client of the changes that occurred and the contract with the cloud service provider. The client has the right to know where their information is being stored and whether it will not be violated.

  7. Ethics question #2

    The law firm is responsible for the damages because the information was privileged between them and their clients and should have be kept more carefully. They have therefore broken attorney client- privilege. As for the disclosure, the client should know what or where their information and money is going.

  8. Ethics Question 1:

    For Norma to sign the legal documents on the behalf of Linda would be very unacceptable and is unauthorized practice of law. Only Linda would be able to sign it since she is an attorney. There would be no excuse to allow Norma to sign the documents, she should find another solution to get Lindas signature in order to file the court documents on time.

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