NO class tomorrow! Tu. Sept. 6

Hello Students!

Happy Labor Day!  I hope you’re enjoying the long holiday weekend.  I’m sorry to interrupt it!  I just wanted to remind you that we will NOT meet for class tomorrow (Tu. Sept. 6).  You have an assignment due by the end of tomorrow, which many of you have already done — thank you!  If not, please write your “Who I Am” post here on OpenLab, describing why you are in the Law and Paralegal Studies program (goals, interests, plans, etc.) and something(s) about you, as a person, that you want your classmates to know!

On Th. Sept. 8 we WILL meet for class as usual.  In prep for that class, please read ch. 2 pp. 20-31, and by 8am Thursday, please write a post here on OL describing a NYC law office where you might like to work!  Details on all of these assignments are in the “Assignments!” tab.

Enjoy the rest of this Labor Day, have a good start to your week, see you Thursday!


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