Follow up to today’s class! (Fri. Oct. 2)

Good evening,

GREAT JOB in today’s class!  We covered a LOT of material, and you asked TERRIFIC questions.  I really appreciate the thought and effort you are devoting to our work, especially in these challenging circumstances.

I have now confirmed that the answer key to the homework questions that I had previously posted was correct!  For #6, it correctly notes that Westchester County is in the Second Department, therefore a White Plains City Court decision should be appealed to Appellate Term for the Second Department.  (I was wrongly thinking Westchester was in the First Department–THAT is why it is critical to always check the maps and charts! 🙂 ) I have also updated the “Assignments” and “Class notes & materials” pages to show what we did today and what is due next week.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend and I look forward to seeing you Monday 11:30am!


Prof. C.

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