QUIZ tomorrow! 11:30am-12 noon on Blackboard

Lovely Students,

DON’T FORGET!  Tomorrow (Monday, Sept. 21) you will take QUIZ #1 in our 1101/Intro class from 11:30am-12 noon!  We will not meet on Zoom at 11:30am—instead, you will go to our course Blackboard site, look under “Content,” where you will find and complete the quiz.  When you finish, or at 12 noon at the latest, you’ll join our class at the regular Zoom link where we’ll have class till our regular 12:45pm.

If you have questions during the quiz, you may ask me by joining the regular class Zoom link (which I’ll have open) or by calling me at 718.260.4939.  If you get my voicemail, leave a message with your number and I’ll call you back promptly.  Do not email or text me because I may not see it in time to send you a response!  The quiz should be available by 11:15am and you’ll have until 12 noon to complete it.  If you studied, it will not take you more than 30 minutes to complete.

THANK YOU to those of you who posted reflections on Justice Ginsburg’s life!  You’re still welcome and encouraged to do that for extra credit–see my post below (category: Announcements).  THANK YOU also to those who posted the law offices where you’d like to work!   If you didn’t, there’s still time, they’re due by 11am tomorrow (Monday).  I look forward to reviewing them with you!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, good luck on the quiz tomorrow, I look forward to seeing you 12 noon on Zoom!

Prof. C.

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