Court tour videos posted!

HELLO Ladies and Gentlemen!

I hope you enjoyed the lovely, cool weekend.  I also hope you saw the GOOD NEWS I posted yesterday, immediately below this post, that I postponed some assignments due tomorrow (Monday) to Wednesday.  Hooray!

I’ve now posted a series of videos that reenact the walking tour of the courts several of us took Friday afternoon (but without the snacks :(). They are posted in the “Class notes & materials” tab under Friday, September 11.  Each one is only a few minutes long.  If someone could please watch some of them and email me to let me know if you’re able to access them, I’ll really appreciate it.  I’m not sure if I did it right!  I hope everyone will watch them–we’ll cover the information in class but it will be helpful to see the actual courts.  And you can laugh at my pathetic videography skills.  Also in “Class notes & materials” I’ve posted the notes and other items we’ll discuss in tomorrow’s class, in case you want a preview.

Have a pleasant evening, see you tomorrow 11:30am!


Prof. C.


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