My timekeeping record!

Here is how I spent my time on Monday, November 1, 9am-1pm:

Administer fluids to my cat, Darryl — 0.25

Walk to Board of Elections office and drop off absentee ballots — 0.50

Walk from Board of Elections to City Tech — 0.25

Attend Law & Paralegal Studies faculty meeting on Zoom — 1.0

Phone call with family friends, the Melleys — 0.25

Phone call with my friend Maria — 0.25

Respond to emails — 0.25

Walk to St. James Cathedral — 0.25

Attend mass — 0.75

Talk with my friend Helena who I ran into at mass — 0.25

Total: 4.0

Reaction: At first, it was strange to think so much about how I spent my time.  But after about two hours, I got used to it.  Then, after the four-hour period ended, I still found myself thinking in terms of quarter-hour intervals — for example, after I walked home I thought, “that took me oh-point-two-five,” and after I prepared my dinner, I thought, “oh-point-seven-five.”  That’s how I used to think when I practiced law full-time!



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