NO meeting Tues. Sept. 14!! & QUIZ!!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, WE WILL NOT MEET TOMORROW, Tues. Sept. 14!  Instead, you’ll take 1103 Civil Procedure Quiz #1 on Blackboard during any one-hour period between 10am-5pm.  (You’ll find it in “Content.”)  Also, everyone should have individual meetings with me in place of our regular class session–if you haven’t yet scheduled one, please email me with times you’re available so we can set it up.

THANK YOU for your terrific “Who I Am” posts!  I’ve graded and responded to each of them–if you don’t see my reply to yours, please let me know.  Also, I’ve recorded the grades (out of 3) in the “GradeBook” which you can access by clicking “Check your grades here!” in the bottom right corner of the “home” page.  If you posted a “Who I Am” and you don’t see a grade, let me know!  DON’T FORGET to “reply” to one of your fellow students’ posts!  That’s also a homework assignment, for which you’ll get 3 out of 3 points just for doing it!

I’ll be available all day tomorrow (Tues.) by phone and email for any questions.  Have a pleasant evening!

Prof. C.

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