Tue. Oct. 12 – No class! Quiz & assignment instead!

Good morning Students!!

Just a reminder, today (Tue. Oct. 12), we will not meet in class nor on Zoom!  To be considered “present,” please (1) complete LAW 1101 quiz #2, available on Blackboard for you to complete during any one-hour period until 11:59pm, covering everything since quiz #2, particularly court systems (M&M ch. 6) and career opportunities/resumes & cover letters (M&M ch. 2); and (2) please read M&M ch. 2 pp. 38-43 including the sample cover letter, and review the sample cover letters posted in the “class notes & materials” tab under Tue. Oct. 5.  Then, by Th. Oct. 14 at 8am, you’ll prepare and submit a draft cover letter to my email, as explained in the resume & cover letter assignment.

Please see the quiz on Blackboard for how you can contact me today with any questions.

Good luck, have a great day, see you Thursday!

Prof. C.

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