Meeting location for Thursday’s trip!

Dear Students,

I hope you are excited for our walking tour of the courts in Manhattan this Thursday, Sept. 30!  You have your choice of meeting places and times–EITHER:

  • 10am SHARP at City Tech, entrance to New Academic Building OR
  • 10:30am in Manhattan at the “Triumph of the Human Spirit” monument across the street from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals!  Location and info are here.

Bring your MetroCard!  Wear comfortable shoes!

I also look forward to seeing you 10am tomorrow in class!  (Tues. Sept. 28)  Please be sure to read M&M ch. 6 pp. 145-157 (on BB) and “About Federal Courts: Court Role & Structure” in prep for our discussion of the Federal Court System.

Have a lovely evening!

Prof. C.

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