This I believe

Language is a tool of communication, a way to express ourselves. Language may also a carrier, it gives someone the opportunity to succeed either as a professional or a good communicator.

Language might also painful for someone. Being among a group of people who speak a foreign language, where you can’t express yourself, can’t ask any questions, can’t tell your feelings while you really want to talk, that could be the worst feeling ever.

I remember when I first came to America, my first job was in a McDonald’s, the manager asked me something that I couldn’t understand, he yelled at me and asked me if I speak English ? Even though his English wasn’t so good. I felt destroyed for the rest of the day, but at the end of the day I told myself that I need to move on and improve my English skills. Language brings people together and makes them understand each other. As a baby grows step by steps, language can be improved step by step

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