Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Real Reason New College Grads Can’t Get Hired

Greetings 3771 Students – Have a look at the link below. What do you think of this assessment?

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Questions About Portfolio Assignment #5 – Persuasive Message

Hi Class, If you have questions about the Persuasive Message assignment, please ask them here.

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Ambiguity in Assignment Language

Hi Everyone – I’m always concerned about misrepresenting the work we are doing, so after being told that I mistakenly didn’t ask the class to complete the assignment for this week, I double-checked. The language of the assignment is as … Continue reading

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Examples for Considering Audience in Business Writing

Locker and Kaczmarek (p. 12) give us a model for message analysis in business settings that focuses on six aspects to think about when “encoding” or “decoding” a message: (P)urpose (A)udience (I)nformation (B)enefits (O)bjections (C)ontext While this, like any other … Continue reading

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