Many classes has content that takes place online, you are expected to observe the same behavior that you would in a normal classroom. Bullying, talking down to others, and foul language will not be permitted. You must use correct capitalization and punctuation. All caps posts and posts using text slang or emoji will have points deducted.
Online assistance
If you have trouble with your CityTech email, Blackboard,Openlab, ePortfolios, or any other online component of the course, please seek assistance immediately. You must have access to these resources and be able to use them in order to succeed in this and other courses. If you need help with your CityTech email, or do not have an account, call the CityTech Help Desk at 718-260-4900. Blackboard training is available at You can also visit the Lab G600, email, and/or call (718) 254-8565 for BlackBoard and e-Portfolio help.