Department virtual zoom link.
Topic: Biomedical Informatics Zoom Meeting
Time: Aug 27, 2020 12:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Welcome from the chair
Welcome to the Biological Sciences Department website! We offer courses that serve the needs of the entire college community. Specific courses are required by a number of health-related programs, while our introductory courses satisfy the college’s laboratory science general education requirement. The department maintains an academic environment in which the potential of all students can be realized.
The department also offers a baccalaureate degree program (BS) in Biomedical Informatics. Biomedical informatics is an emerging field that optimizes the use of information in health care. The program equips students with the knowledge and technical skills needed to navigate the mass of biological and biomedical data that is increasingly driving new developments in pharmacology and therapeutics, molecular biology, biomedical science, and healthcare.
Training in cutting edge informatics systems, focusing on the increasing integration of informatics in medical care and research, gives students a distinct advantage in the work force. The career opportunities that await graduates of the program are numerous, spanning entry-level employment in clinics and hospitals to biotech and software companies as well as research laboratories. Graduates may also use the BS degree as a springboard for study in graduate and health profession schools, including medical school.
This program is unique within the City University of New York, and among the first truly integrated Biomedical Informatics program at the undergraduate level. Recognized by leaders in the field, our curriculum is crafted to provide comprehensive training in the use of vast biomedical databases in healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotech, and research settings.
I invite those looking for a challenging and ultimately rewarding career in healthcare to consider our innovative program. We welcome you to browse our website, to see if the distinctive characteristics of our program match your needs. We also invite you to visit our department and converse with our dynamic faculty, who will be happy to discuss your academic interests and options.
Department mission statement
The Biomedical Informatics baccalaureate program is designed to provide well-rounded, interdisciplinary training for a new generation of biomedical and healthcare workers prepared to meet the challenges of today and of the future. A rigorous core of courses provides students with a strong foundation from which to develop competencies in two interrelated component areas of Biomedical Informatics: Molecular Bioinformatics, centered on the use of conformational and genomic data to elucidate biological phenomena; and Health Informatics, focused on the secure electronic storage, retrieval, and use of biomedical information in healthcare delivery and research. This dual focus gives students a broad understanding of the critical importance of informatics for a wide range of biomedical and health applications. These two subfields are seeing an exciting integration in cutting edge medicine as genomic information is used increasingly in medical diagnosis and care. The dual focus of the program seeks to prepare students for a range of career options and to adapt to changing conditions in the field.
Student knowledge acquired in the college classroom and laboratory is reinforced by college-sponsored internships (for credit) at clinical and research locations in the region. Because Biomedical Informatics is a rapidly evolving field, it is important that students benefit from City Tech’s strong General Education requirements and courses, so as to be able to adapt to changes in this field as creative thinkers and lifelong learners. The goal of the program is not only to provide students with the training they need to enter this growing field in its current state, but also with the personal and intellectual resources to participate in and lead its inevitable advances and transformations.
We also offer courses that serve the needs of the entire college community. Specific courses are required by a number of health-related programs, while our introductory courses satisfy the college’s laboratory science general education requirement. The department maintains an academic environment in which the potential of all students can be realized.
Fun facts
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