Week 14

Final Work Due


Final Project 2&3 DUE Monday, end of day 5/25

  1. Please make sure to save your final PDF into the Week15-Final-Project2&3 in the class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).
  2. Uploaded your final Project 2&3 to your Project 2&3 post on OpenLab from the previous weeks with your sketches https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd3601-informationdesignoer/2020/04/21/project-23-sketches/
  3. Please make sure your final draft of Project1 is submitted to the “Week9-Final-Project1-InfoGraphic” in the class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).


Wednesday 05/20/20

Today is our last day of class, the grand finale.
Here are details for our meeting.

In Class Presentations

You are welcome to join for the entire class but I have divided you into two groups for the in-class presentations to make it as productive as possible for all. You only need to join for your time slot (see below). Please don’t miss your time slot. Everyone will have 3 minutes to present.
Take careful notes during the in class critique. You will be asked to make all final edits to your project and submit by next Monday, end of day 5/25.
Group 1 – 2:30 – 3:30
  • Alicia
  • Sadia
  • Kimberlee
  • Daniel
  • Or
  • Carmen
  • Yan
  • Jessica
  • Amaris
Overlap – Group 2 Please join btw 3:30 – 3:45
Group 2 – 3:45 – 4:45 PM 
  • Jennifer
  • Hoa
  • Daisy
  • Elijah
  • Tyler
  • Janae
  • Islam
  • Rebecca
  • Kelvin

Final Work Due


1. Final Project 2&3 DUE Monday, end of day 5/25
Please make sure to save your final PDF to:

    1.  Please make sure to save your final PDF into the Week15-Final-Project2&3  class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).
    2. and uploaded your final Project 2&3 to your Project 2&3 post on OpenLab from the previous weeks with your sketches https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd3601-informationdesignoer/2020/04/21/project-23-sketches/
    3. Please make sure your final draft of Project1 is submitted to the “Week9-Final-Project1-InfoGraphic” in the class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).

Week 13


Wednesday 05/13/20

Join WebEx call from 2:30-3:30 to go over details and any related questions for finishing and submitting all final work.

Anyone that would like to speak with me thereafter is welcome to stay on. Please email me if you don’t have the WebEx invitation (you should all have received the invitation.  I believe it is the same information as the previous meetings.


  • Final day of classes for everyone is May 22
  • Due dates for Project 2&3 We only have 2 weeks left(!) please plan accordingly:
    • Week 14: This is our FINAL class meeting, we will have in-class presentations of Final Drafts of Project 2&3 (5/20/20)
    • Week 15: There will be no class meeting Week 15 (technically the semester is over), but I will collect your revised and finalized projects, they must be submitted to me by end of day 5/25/20 (Memorial Day).


  1. Phase 3 First draft of Project 2&3:
    1. Upload the first final draft of Project 2&3 to your previous Project 2&3 Post from last week with your sketches.
    2. Make sure you save the PDF of the files into class google drive folder: “Week12-Project2&3-Draft1


  1. Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Timelines
  2. COMD3601Project2+3FINALGradingRubric
  3. Production Day: Use today to make progress on Project 2&3.
    1. Go through feedback you received on your sketches post and continue to work on your project: PART 4: Design and production(Illustrator & InDesign)
    2.  If you would like to speak with me I will be available via our WebEx meeting to answer questions and provide feedback.


  1. Phase 3 First draft of Project 2&3:
    1. Upload the first final draft of Project 2&3 to your previous Project 2&3 post from last week with your sketches
  2. Review everyone’s First Draft posted to Post Your Work
  3. Choose three student’s work (that have not yet received comments from three students) and provide each with the following feedback
  1. Read: Lauren. “The 34 Best Interactive Data Visualizations from the New York Times” Dolphins, February 28, 2018. (Dolphins)
  2. Read: MĂŒller, Boris. “Bringing Design to Science” Medium, October 22, 2017. (Medium)
  3. Read: Christiansen, Jen. “Visualizing Science: Illustration and Beyond” Scientific American, October 25, 2018. (Scientific American)
  4. Read: Lucas, Jake. “Meet Amanda Cox, Who Brings Life to Data on Our Pages” New York Times, February, 28, 2019. (New York Times)


Week 12


Wednesday 05/06/20



  1. Phase 2 Continue to develop concept and refine sketches for Project 2&3
  2. Review everyone’s ‘sketches’ posted to Post Your Work
  3. Choose three student’s work (that have not yet received comments from three students) and provide each with the following feedback


Production Day! We will use today to make progress on Project 2&3.  I will not be presenting a lecture today. Instead I ask each of you to

1. Complete the Quiz (at the bottom of this post) based on this past week’s reading assignment Nigel Holmes’ three part series on Pictograms.

2. Go through feedback you received on your sketches post and continue to work on your projects:

    • PART 3: Develop concept and refine sketches, find or create appropriate, relevant illustration or photography.
    • PART 4: Design and production(Illustrator & InDesign)

3. If you would like to speak with me I will be available via our WebEx meeting to answer questions and provide feedback.


  1. Complete the Quiz (see above)
  2. Work on developing and flushing out your ideas for Project 2 and 3
  3. We only have 2 weeks left. Plan accordingly. We will have in class presentations Week 14 (5/20/20). Project 2 and Project 3 (see above) must be submitted by end of day (5/25/20 Memorial Day)
  1. Lauren. “The 34 Best Interactive Data Visualizations from the New York Times” Dolphins, February 28, 2018. (Dolphins)


Please complete the quiz based on last weeks reading material:

  1. Homes, Nigel “Picture Language, Part1” Infographics for the People, February 6, 2017.
  2. Homes, Nigel “The Isotope revolution, Part2” Infographics for the People, February 13, 2017.
  3. Homes, Nigel “Emojis and beyond, Part3” Infographics for the People, February 20, 2017.

Communicating With Symbols

Communicating With Symbols Quizz

Week 11


Wednesday 04/29/20


  • The BioDesign Challenge – Meeting with Dr. Sumeyye Yar, a biochemist on Monday 5/4 at 1PM (I will be sending a video chat link). She can advise, answer questions and help fine-tune a strong and feasible idea/proposal. Please email me to confirm your attendance!
  • BFA Show Submission – Deadline extended
    Submit here by Friday 5/8/2020
  • Internship Opportunity: Faculty Commons – learn more, click here!


  1. Phase 1: Project 2&3 Proposal -Collecting Information
    Save your doc or PDF with your name into the class google docs folder titled: Week10-Project2&3Proposal 
  2. Phase 2 Develop concept and refine sketches:
    1. For your Diagram: Sketch and design your focal image. This should be clear, beautiful and stylized. You can use photography, or an illustration (digital or hand-drawn). Work should be original
    2. For your FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) Flush out your content, create a mind-mapping chart to help focus subject. Organize all content that will appear in your sequential story (this should be outlined in your Project Proposal). Begin to experiment with how you might present the content visually.
    3. Research examples to reference as inspiration. Save them as URL links in your project proposal.
  3. Post Your Work: post all your sketches for class review and
    feedback to Post Your Work and also to the Google Drive folder: Week10-Project2&3-Sketches/Drafts


    1. ISOTYPE Introduction
  • Pictographs, Pictograms, Pictorial Symbols, Icons
  • 30,000 year-old cave paintings, Sumerian sign-writing, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mayan calendar icons
  • Otto Neurath’s Isotype (developed in the 1920s) with Marie Reidemeister and Gerd Arntz. Graphic information movement called ISOTYPE (International System of TYpographic Picture Education)
  • Emojis
  • Universal picture language is easy to read by anyone (bypassing language)
  • In class 3 minute presentations of sketches and topic.


  1. Phase 2 Continue to develop concept and refine sketches for Project 2&3
  2. Review everyone’s ‘sketches’ posted to Post Your Work
  3. Choose three student’s work (that have not yet received comments from three students) and provide each with the following feedback:
    1. Is the overall message of the sketch clear – why or why not?
    2. Does the designer effectively use facts and data to support their thesis (and title of the piece) – why or why not?
    3. Does sketch effectively showcase the content:
      • clear focal point?
      • clear hierarchy of information?
      • effective use of a grid?
  1. Homes, Nigel “Picture Language, Part1” Infographics for the People, February 6, 2017.
  2. Homes, Nigel “The Isotope revolution, Part2” Infographics for the People, February 13, 2017.
  3. Homes, Nigel “Emojis and beyond, Part3” Infographics for the People, February 20, 2017.


Week 10


Wednesday 04/22/20


  1. Provide feedback to three students in the COMMENTS section of their Comp1. See details above under Week 09, ‘LAB WORK’
  2. Review the feedback you have received on the comments section of your post for the Info-graphic. Determine if you agree with the comments and edit your final info-graphic. Save your FINAL PDF of your info-graphic into this folder: Week9-Final-InfoGraphic (make sure you have your name on the PDF file). FINAL EDITS DUE by 5/9/22
  3. Review the overview for Project 2 & 3: (See Week 09 post)
    Begin to think about subject matter and brainstorm ideas. See blog post here for guidance: Sketches and Concept


  1. Phase 1: Project 2&3 Proposal -Collecting Information
  2. Overview of Diagrams and Sequentially Based Graphics
    Built on the foundation of research, good information design:

    1. Provides a means to see what lies within
    2. Finds relationships
    3. Calls attention to things that might not have been visible in other forms
    4. And perhaps even determines the answer to a question.

Here is a look at a number of examples to get you thinking and inspired:

    1. Infographics
    2. Visual Storytelling, Visual Journalism
      1. Wendy MacNaughton Illustrator and Graphic Journalist
    3. Diagrams
      1. Jonathan Corum
      2. John Grimwade
    4. Flow Charts and Timelines (sequential storytelling)
      1. Giorgia Lupi Information designer, Partner at Pentagram, Data Designer
      2. Wendy MacNaughton
      3. Interactive Examples
      4. John Grimwade
        Cell line
        An African-American woman’s stem cells (taken without her knowing in 1951) have had a huge effect on medical science.
    5. Maps
      1. Alberto Lucas LĂłpez Information Designer and Graphic Journalist
      2. Wendy MacNaughton
      3. Jonathan Corum

Lab Work & Homework


Please complete the following tasks by next week (Weds 4/27/20)

  1. Phase 1: Project 2&3 Proposal -Collecting Information
    Please save your doc or PDF with your name into the class google docs folder titled: Week10-Project2&3Proposal 
  2. Phase 2 Develop concept and refine sketches:
    1. For your Diagram: Sketch and design your focal image. This should be clear, beautiful and stylized. You can use photography, or an illustration (digital or hand-drawn). Work should be original
    2. For your FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) Flush out your content, create a mind-mapping chart to help focus subject. Organize all content that will appear in your sequential story (this should be outlined in your Project Proposal). Begin to experiment with how you might present the content visually.
    3. Research examples to reference as inspiration. Save them as URL links in your project proposal.
  3. Post Your Work: post all your sketches for class review and
    feedback to Post Your Work
  1. More to come here. Please check back.
  1. More to come here. Please check back.

Week 09


Tuesday 04/15/20
(Updated since our class meeting)

Please note OpenLab was experiencing technical problems related to images posted to this blog. The problem should be resolved by end of day tomorrow.  Therefore the deadline for posting your revised info-graphic to your P1-Comp1 post has been extended to Friday 4/17.

The deadline for commenting on 3 students info-graphic has also been extended to Monday 4/20.


  1. Part 4: Final Due
    1. Post your revised info-graphic to the class blog. Go back into your Project 1: Comp post and add your revised Comp as a PDF (if you have trouble with your PDF, another jpeg is fine). Make sure that you add a label to all the work you are showing, i.e. ‘first draft’ and ‘revised draft’ so that it is clear to viewers what is the latest.
    2. And also save your final comp into the google drive folder Week8-Final-Comps, make a new folder with your name and save your: Packaged InDesign folder (Please make sure I have PDF of your Info-graphic).
    3. Double check the grading rubric to make sure you have checked off all the requirements: GRADING RUBRIC (see PDF here)


  1. Introduction to Project 2 & 3
    Project 2 – Diagram
    Project 3  – Flow Chart/ Timeline
  2. Overview of subject matter – Inspiration

LAB Work

Please complete the following tasks by (revised deadline Monday 4/20/20)

  1. Review everyone’s ‘revised draft’ info-graphic poster.
  2. Choose three student’s info-graphic (that have not yet received comments from three students) and provide each with the following feedback:
    1. Is the overall message of the info-graphic clear – why or why not?
    2. Did the designer effectively use facts and data to support their thesis (and title of the piece) – why or why not?
    3. Does the design of the info-graphic effectively showcase the content:
      • clear focal point?
      • clear hierarchy of information?
      • effective use of typography, headers, colors, page structure, etc.?
      • overall attention to detail (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc)


  1. Choose three students and post your feedback to them in the COMMENTS section of their post by Monday 4/20. See details above under ‘LAB WORK
  2. Review the feedback you have received on the comments section of your post for the Info-graphic. Determine if you agree with the comments and edit your final info-graphic. Save your FINAL PDF of your info-graphic into this folder: Week9-Final-InfoGraphic (make sure you have your name on the PDF file).
  3. Review the overview for Project 2 & 3: See Project Overview here
    Begin to think about subject matter and brainstorm ideas. See blog post here for guidance: Sketches and Concept
  1. Webinar Biodesign Challenge please watch the 45 min online webinar hosted by the BioDesign Challenge. You can view the webinar here:

    Webinar Link: https://youtu.be/eLo3WVNT61c

  2. You can learn more about the details of the meeting here: https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1659241/modules/items/29979903https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bdc-2020-webinar-video-editing-101-tickets-102197032074
  1. Grimwade, John. “The Infographic Family” Ohio University, October 17, 2018. (VisCom at Ohio University)
  2. Christiansen, Jen. “Visualizing Science: Illustration and Beyond” Scientific American, October 25, 2018. (Scientific American)
  3. Read: Grimwade, John. “Pictogram Story” Ohio University, January 8, 2019. (VisCom at Ohio University)
  4. Read: ColumnFiveMedia “How to Write a Compelling Infographic Story in 5 Steps”

Week 08


Tuesday 04/07/20


PART 3:  Info-graphic first draft
You should be able to site references (examples that serve as your inspiration).

    1. Monday 4/06 Post all of your sketches to the TWO PLACES I have requested you to do so (see the Agenda Week07 under ‘DUE’)
    2. Tuesday 4/07  view all the sketches that have been posted (to Post Your Work) and choose one student and provide them with constructive feedback based on what they are showing. If someone has already provided feedback feel free to add your thoughts, but I would like each of you to also choose one student who has not yet received any feedback. (Since we are no longer meeting in person, I would like us to begin to facilitate the in-class critiques in this way.)


Human Nature‘ documentary. Insights and thoughts.

Lecture: Hierarchy of Information and Focal Point

    1. Concept and information flow: Is your thesis clear and supported?
    2. Are your charts and graphs effective?
    3. We will be using this GRADING RUBRIC (see PDF here) to critique work
    4. Inspiration:



Part 4: Final draft DUE 4/15

    1. Post your work by Wednesday 4/15 at 12PM to the class blog. Go back into your Project 1: Comp and add your revised Comp as a PDF.
    2. And save your final comp into the google drive folder Week8-Final-Comps, make a new folder with your name and save your: Packaged InDesign folder.
    3. Take a look at the ChartDiagram poster again for  ideas about ways to diagram your content:

We will begin Project 2 next week.

Check out the BioDesign Challenge semester series (take a look and watch:) https://us11.campaign-archive.com/?u=7bd4aa4c1bfdbe133e206b40f&id=2c0e92a78e
  1. Read: Miller, Meg. “The NYT’s New Look Is A Masterpiece Of Information Design” FastCompany, March 3, 2017. (FastCompany)
  2. Read: Grimwade, John. “Pictogram Story” Ohio University, January 8, 2019. (VisCom at Ohio University)
  3. Read: Norman, Donald A. “What went wrong in Hawaii, human error? Nope, bad design” FastComany, January 16, 2018. (FastCompany)

Project 1: Comps

DUE Week 08

Go back into the post you created last week titled: “P1 Comp 1 – Your Name”

Upload the final draft of your Project 1:

    1. Click on ‘Add Media’ button above, upload your Final Comp PDF titled: “Firstname_P1-CompFinal.pdf”
    2. Insert it into your post or copy and paste the link of the URL from the Media page into your post.
    3. Include your ‘thesis’ sentence summarizing focus of your Info Graphic. Update any changes from previous as needed.

Week 07


Wednesday 03/25/20
Welcome to our first Distance Learning class!


Recalibration period
The Chancellor announced a recalibration period. Classes are canceled on Friday, 3/27 to Wednesday, 4/1 and again from
Wednesday, 4/8 to Friday,  4/10, for a condensed Spring Recess.
We will NOT have class next week 4/1. For anyone who was hoping to meet with me I will hold virtual office hours Weds 4/1 between 3-4PM.
You can join me here: https://meetingsamer3.webex.com/meet/mhitchings


PART 2: Research & Sketches:

    1. Thursday 3/19 Post all of your sketches to the TWO PLACES I have requested you to do so (see the Agenda Week06 under ‘DUE’)
    2. Monday 3/21 view all the sketches that have been posted (to Post Your Work) and choose one student and provide them with constructive feedback based on what they are showing. If someone has already provided feedback feel free to add your thoughts, but I would like each of you to also choose one student who has not yet received any feedback. (Since we are no longer meeting in person, I would like us to begin to facilitate the in-class critiques in this way.)
    3. Monday 3/21 develop concept and refine sketches (charts and graphs). Begin to draft your InfoGraphic in InDesign. Aim to have a solid first draft ready for show.


Briefly recap and discuss take-away from Allison Mayle guest lecture (from the Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning center and and manager of the Urban Barcode Research Program) who joined us in class on 3/11. She gave us a better understanding of DNA Barcoding.

Lecture Objective of the Info Graphic

a. Principles of Design: hierarchy of Information and focal point

b. Well supported subject matter and clarity of topic

>> Principles of Design See Handout Here

>> Review Building the Concept and Drafting the Design
>> Inspiration:

I have edited everyone’s Phase 1 Proposal.
>> Please find your homework doc, open it up and review my comments to you: Week5-Project1-Phase1-TopicProposal

    • I have posted grades on OL Gradebook
    • If you have not submitted your Proposal please do so ASAP

Fernando Gomez Baptista InfoGraphic Artist for National Geographic (YouTube):



Project 1 Part 3: Continue to develop concept and refine sketches (charts and graphs) and design the first solid draft of your info-graphic

    1. Post Your Work by Monday 4/6 at 6PM: post all your first drafts (Comps) for class review and feedback to Post Your Work
    2. Save your work into this folder: Week7-Draft1-Comps
      In google drive folder, make a new folder with your name and save your: Packaged InDesign folder.

HUMAN NATURE documentary
Watch the documentary: With the support of incredible individuals at Wonder Collaborative, iBiology, and Film Platform, BDC is streaming the upcoming CRISPR documentary, Human Nature.

This is an amazing opportunity for BDC 2020 participants to watch the film (for free!) To access and view the film, please follow this link**: https://www.filmplatform.net/human-nature-registration/ and register using the code HNBDC20 (all capital letters).

2. When you have finished watching the documentary, watch the interview with the film’s director, Adam Bolt, by the team from BioDesign Challenge: Watch Interview Here
3. Check out the BioDesign Challenge semester series (take a look and watch:) https://us11.campaign-archive.com/?u=7bd4aa4c1bfdbe133e206b40f&id=2c0e92a78e
  1. Read: Miller, Meg. “The NYT’s New Look Is A Masterpiece Of Information Design” FastCompany, March 3, 2017. (FastCompany)
  2. Read: Grimwade, John. “Pictogram Story” Ohio University, January 8, 2019. (VisCom at Ohio University)
  3. Read: Norman, Donald A. “What went wrong in Hawaii, human error? Nope, bad design” FastComany, January 16, 2018. (FastCompany)
1. Recalibration period As some of you may have already heard the Chancellor announced a recalibration period. Classes are canceled on Friday, March 27 to Wednesday, April 1 and again from Wednesday, April 8 to Friday, April 10, for a condensed Spring Recess.
2. We will NOT have class next week 4/1. For anyone who was hoping to meet with me I will hold virtual office hours Weds 4/1 between 3-4PM. You can join me here: https://meetingsamer3.webex.com/meet/mhitchings
3. Our next class is Tuesday April 7  (this day is scheduled to follow a Wednesday schedule). Classes that normally meet on Tuesday are canceled and classes that take place on Weds will be moved to April 7th. https://www.cuny.edu/academics/academic-calendars/
4. InfoGraphic Please continue to work on your info-graphic. See assignments posted on the blog Week07: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd3601-informationdesignoer/2020/03/24/week-07/