Category Archives: Uncategorized

Class 7 – Mar 13

Today we will cover: CSS Box model continued Learning in detail how to position elements on a page within a two-color layout Images Navigation Last class we covered Parts of a Box element: Border, Margin, Padding, Content, Width and Height … Continue reading

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Example of Site Design

In review, this is an example of a design of a web page (it should look like what your planned end result is). These are a few examples of students works Website 1 Website 2 Website 3 Website 4 Website … Continue reading

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Class 6 – Mar 6

Today we will cover: CSS Box model Images 960 grid system (re-cap) Reference resources W3Schools Codes Academy Citytech Learning Center AG18 Example of Navigation Demo These are internal links. The html documents are located within the same document. Assignment Finalize … Continue reading

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Class 5 – Feb 27

Today we will cover, Directory Structure Introduction to CSS 960 grid system ( Reference for HTML and CSS tutorials or tutors W3Schools Codes Academy Citytech Learning Center AG18 Assignment Build 2 different design layouts of a homepage (layout1.html and layout2.html) … Continue reading

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Required for Portfolio Website

Final project must have a minimum of 5 sections Your first name and last name should be visible throughout the site Site identifier (logo) and navigation must remain consistent throughout the site Navigation must remain consistent throughout the site A … Continue reading

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