Author Archives: Samantha Meany

LL 9- Painting with Light

Painting with light is using a long exposure to draw an image with light into the frame. The long exposure is needed because it gives more time for the light to hit the frame. This photo is the best of … Continue reading

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Portrait Photoshoot

This photo is an example of a backlight, with the light showing in the bottom right of the composition. It is also the main light being exposed to the photo. With how it’s placed, it makes the model (or myself) more … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL7-Portrait Basics | 1 Comment

Lighting Direction with Flowers

This photo is my favorite from this photoshoot because the lighting direction is very sharp, making the background completely black with no gray scales. The lighting also makes the flowers stand out from the pitch black background. Plus it follows … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL6-Lighting Direction | Leave a comment

Aperture Exhibit Review

In the Aperture Gallery, the Patrick Faigenbaum: Kolkata/Calcutta exhibit contains photography from Faigenbaum himself. The exhibit itself contains almost 40 photographs of various subjects, such as people, food, buildings, etc… The exhibit’s author, Faigenbaum is a French photographer residing in … Continue reading

Posted in Homework | 1 Comment

LL 5- Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the term used to describe the motion and exposure time of a subject in a photo. A fast shutter allows the photographer to catch a fast-moving object, and it also depends on the ISO. The faster the … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL5-Shutter Speed | 1 Comment

LL 4- Brooklyn Bridge Park Photoshoot

This is my best shot from the trip because it shows a break in the pattern. While there are many green leaves surrounding the photo, the flower makes a visual break when observing the photo from left to right. or … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

LL 3- Scavenger Hunt Experience

While working on this photoshoot, this gave me a lot of good experience with working with a group. I feel that we all engaged in an orderly matter, and all of us gave constructive feedback with the photos when needed. We … Continue reading

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LL2- Composition

This photo below is what I believe to be my best photo because for one thing, the chair has an asymmetrical composition to it, making it please for the eye to see. It also follows a pattern from left to … Continue reading

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Observing Photography and Composition

While looking through certain photographs, the one that really struck my eye was Michael Kenna’s Wall Painting. It was shot in New York in 2013, and it is a monochromatic photo showing a gray building with an almost transparent pictures … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, HW1-photo description | 1 Comment

Thoughts on “The Thing Itself”

The difference between the subject in a photograph and the photograph itself is that they are two separate different ideas of reality. In the passage, it states that “the factuality of [the photographer’s] pictures, no matter how convincing and unarguable, … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL1-The Thing Itself | Leave a comment