Digital Media Foundations Project, Spring 2022
Prof Goetz

The “New Wave” in graphic design appeared at the turn of the 70s and 80s simultaneously with architectural postmodernism, quotation, contextualism, and the Memphis style in object design, which proclaimed that design should be emotional, exciting, sensual, awakening the imagination and pleasing to the eye. All these parallel artistic movements together brought about a revolution in professional design consciousness, the consequences of which are perceived today as the opening of a new paradigm in the development of visual culture. One of the female designers who was the procreator of this trend is April Greiman.

April Greiman is the queen of a new graphic design trend. She is one of the first women to use and implement the computer in design and has made breakthroughs in her graphic work. Also, despite the condemnation from others, she did not stop creating her works. She continued her contribution to the development of Communication Design. April Greiman’s work impresses with its uniqueness and deep meaning in displaying design and communication in the human world of art. April was seen by people as always bold and open to new achievements and activities in graphic design.
For being passionate and upbeat, she has been recognized as one of the first designers to enable computers and digital tools to develop her work. April Greiman saw a fantastic opportunity while experimenting with the sheer number of computer possibilities they had to offer and its enormous potential. She said they need to be used in graphic design. Greiman developed a specific style in his work within what later became known as the New Wave.

Greiman feels the title of a graphic designer is too restrictive and prefers to call himself a “transmedia artist.” Her work inspired designers to develop the computer as a design tool and show curiosity and exploration in their approach to design. Her style includes type layering, where groups of letterforms are layered and floated in space along with other objects such as illustrations, shapes, photographs, and color swatches. It creates a sense of depth and dynamics, particularly by combining graphic elements through the extensive use of Apple Macintosh technology. The Los Angeles Times called her graphic style “an experiment in hybrid imagery.”

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April Griemna Reserach by BOGDANA BUTSKA
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