CDMG1111 D311 Interview project, Christian an aspiring youth wants to intern at the Ct Design company, this is his tape. (Song Firestone remix Ft. Conrad Sewell)
CDMG1111 D311 Interview project, Christian an aspiring youth wants to intern at the Ct Design company, this is his tape. (Song Firestone remix Ft. Conrad Sewell)
This is a custom combination of the same song played different ways with different instruments.
Your thoughts have a great impact on where you go or what you do. I chose this composition to show that you as an individual have the freedom to choose your own path. Much like Mohamed ali whose picture i used in this design. He is an inspiration to all using his skills in fighting to fight i the ring and ow in the streets. till this day he continues to inspire generations. VisualQuote_charlesmetellus
This simple design was chosen to focus on the message behind the words and not the illustrations, the words curve up like a smile insinuating that you shouldn’t be down always get back up.Charles_Metellus_VisualQuote2
The simple image is a literal representation of the quote. Charles_Metellus_VisualQuote3