Service Learning Project #1

For my public health class, we were assigned a service project to perform in groups. My team chose to work with preschool children with special needs. We designed an activity to teach toothbrushing and to differentiate between healthy/unhealthy foods. Finally, we presented the activities to a group of 24 students, aged 3-5 years old.

For my part of the assignment, I helped write a letter to parents/guardians for our brochure. I also made two large tooth models and large toothbrushes, taught small groups of students how to brush their teeth, and created a toothbrushing game where students had to use the Fones toothbrushing technique to clean “plaque” off of teeth. Please look at the attached photographs of my group, the brochure, and materials. You will also find a link for a write-up of the activity.

Introducing Ourselves


Large Demonstration Model and Brush
Large Toothbrush Game

Write-Up for Service Project