Ethics In Graphic Design Part 2

As a design student no instructor has ever discussed about NDA or copyright, also to mention that a lot of students are using images online that students or other designers did not do. This is similar to You tube because when the music used in other content creators is not theirs they will not get paid for that. Now as I about to finish my semester I will always remember to credit people for their image and work because at the end of the day it is theirs. Their should be space to put the link or say something where credits can be shown.

Copyright is a system designed to protect the work of original work of the owner regardless if it is video music or graphic design. A lot of instances that people use other people work such as changing up words to sound similar or in order to change certain work completely. As a future designer I believe that asking permission is the key to not getting in trouble and getting into legal battles.

A example of graphic design ethics is the case of Rogers vs Coons Case where Jeff made and redone and used photographs of different artists Koons used a fair use argument, alleging that his work was a legal parody of “Puppies. Koons believed that “Chain of Dogs satirized society at general by condemning the social degeneration induced by mass manufacture of commodities. However, this was not parodied not parody under the standards of this court, which required that the copied work, not merely society in general, be the focus of parody. This condition is intended to ensure that the defense has a practical limit by making the audience aware that, behind the parody, there is an original and separate statement traceable to a different artist. The court ruled that “String of Puppies” was a satirical critique of material culture, not a parody of Puppies.

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