Is Your Pension Secure? Find Out at City Tech Chapter’s Pension Workshop

Come have some pizza and learn if you’re being affected by CUNY’s failure to properly deduct and contribute to your pension. Employees are facing extensive problems with their pensions CUNY-wide, and the PSC has filed a lawsuit.  

This workshop is for everyone (not just those near retirement age), PT and FT, HEOs and CLTs, those with TRS and TIAA. Former chapter chair and pension committee member Bob Cermele and, Greg Douros, from PSC Contract Enforcement, will be there to explain the issues and answer your questions. Spread the word to others who might need this knowledge. If possible, bring copies of your pay statements to check for potential issues. 

City Tech Chapter 5/9 with Guest Speaker James Davis, PSC President

What are the make-or-break issues for you in the contract?
Pay Stagnation? Adjunct Job Security? Health and Safety on Campus? Lack of Basic Resources? HEO shortages? Attacks on shared governance?

ACTION: Meet CUNY’s Board of Trustees on 4/1 at City Tech

This is NO JOKE! CUNY’s Board of Trustees will hold their #Brooklyn #Hearing at #CityTech on April Fool’s Day. Hearing begins at 4:30 pm in the Academic Complex Theater. Join the #Rally before hand at 3:30 pm and Demand a #Contract!

Poster announcing CUNY Board of Trustees Hearing on Monday 4/1 at City Tech

TODAY! Spring ’24 Mass Online Meeting 3/6 at 6:30 pm

Contract for #APeoplesCUNY

Wednesday, March 6, 6:30PM

RSVP for the Zoom Meeting

We need every PSC member at this mass online demonstration of solidarity and support for a strong new contract! Please RSVP here for the Zoom and log on to hear the latest from the PSC Bargaining Team after a dozen bargaining sessions with CUNY management and a year without a contract. Ask questions. Learn what you can do in Spring ‘24 to escalate the campaign to win a Contract for #APeoplesCUNY.

2/29 February Chapter Meeting-Our Contract has Expired, What Now?

This month marks the 1 Year Anniversary of our contract. Come find out what’s happening at the bargaining table. Help leaflet before and after the Chapter Meeting. Can’t make it in person? Join the meeting via Zoom. Spread the word!