“Know Your Rights” Workshop with Gabriella Collantes-Woods, SEEK Program
Feb. 27, 12:30-2 pm, A-209
This interactive Workshop is open to faculty, staff, and students.
Organizers: Benjamin Heim Shepard , PhD, LMSW (Human Service Department); Juan L. Rivera-Correa, Ph,D (Biology Department)and C-chair (HSI Steering Committee); & Gabriella Collantes-Woods. MSEd, LMHC, Doctoral candidate ABD (SEEK Counselor ) and CUNY Undocumented Liaison & DREAM US Scholarship Representative.
Screening of The Five Demands (with discussion), Feb. 27, 2:30-4:30, A-209

This documentary film tells the story of the CCNY students who in 1969 demanded an expanded curriculum that would include Black and Puerto Rican studies. We also learn the fascinating origin story of the SEEK program. The screening, which is sponsored by our PSC Chapter and the CUNY Rising Alliance, directly follows the “Know Your Rights” workshop–in the same room.
Pizza and light refreshments provided.