Thur 2/27 Know Your Rights Workshop & Screening of The Five Demands

“Know Your Rights” Workshop with Gabriella Collantes-Woods, SEEK Program
Feb. 27, 12:30-2 pm, A-209
This interactive Workshop is open to faculty, staff, and students.

Organizers: Benjamin Heim Shepard , PhD, LMSW (Human Service Department); Juan L. Rivera-Correa, Ph,D (Biology Department)and C-chair (HSI Steering Committee); & Gabriella Collantes-Woods. MSEd, LMHC, Doctoral candidate ABD (SEEK Counselor ) and CUNY Undocumented Liaison & DREAM US Scholarship Representative.

Screening of The Five Demands (with discussion), Feb. 27, 2:30-4:30, A-209

This documentary film tells the story of the CCNY students who in 1969 demanded an expanded curriculum that would include Black and Puerto Rican studies. We also learn the fascinating origin story of the SEEK program. The screening, which is sponsored by our PSC Chapter and the CUNY Rising Alliance, directly follows the “Know Your Rights” workshop–in the same room.

Pizza and light refreshments provided.

Chapter Meeting Thurs 2/20 in Namm 1001

Please join us for the first chapter meeting of the Spring Semester! Let’s meet to talk about the ratified contract, hear updates on Health & Safety issues on our campus, and find out how we can help each other through turbulent political times. Bring a friend, make a new contact, enjoy lunch with your colleagues. Virtual option available too!

Resources for Protecting Immigrant Students

City Tech students are covered under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which means that whatever private information they share with you, or their peer mentors, cannot be shared with anyone else without obtaining written permission from them. However, because of the sensitive nature of immigration-related challenges, it is strongly suggested that whomever the student confides in, even with written permission, the teacher/mentor not share that information with ANYONE.  

CUNY Central’s Office of Undocumented and Immigrant Student Programs has a list of resources, including names of three City Tech campus liaisons:

At City Tech Gabriella Collantes-Woods in the SEEK program is the immigration contact for undocumented students and Dreamers. Please refer students with questions/concerns regarding immigration to her. To best support our immigrant students, please read the information attached, generously provided by Lauri Aguirre (FYP), and have copies of the QR codes available to all students and peer mentors. 

Please SHARE and DOWNLOAD the following documents:

VOTE DEADLINE Extended To Monday 1/13 at 5 PM

If you are a member, the deadline to VOTE on the Tentative Contract has been extended to Monday January 13th at 5 pm. Check your emails and mail from the American Arbitration Association. VOTE on the Contract TODAY! Your Union, Your Decision.

comic with 2 pigeons defining ratify


We are nearing the deadline to vote on the Tentative Contract. Whether you vote YES or NO, please express YOUR CHOICE and VOTE! Members may vote up till Friday night 1/10/25 at 11:59 pm.

Voting began on 12/20. Please look for an email from an American Arbitration Association administrator with the Subject Line PSC CUNY Voting Instructions. Alternatively, the AAA has mailed out letters with instructions to all members. Both email and letter provide step-by-step instructions on how to VOTE on the Tentative Contract.

Watch this YouTube video on the voting process:

Still unsure about the Tentative Contract? Please read the HIGHLIGHTS of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) aka the Tentative Contract on the PSC CUNY Union’s website, which includes a link to the full agreement here:


The Delegate Assembly voted up the Memorandum of Agreement on Thursday night 12/19. Now it’s up to YOU to ratify the contract. All members should have received an email with voting procedures for the new contract. If not, please reach out to Carole Harris, City Tech Chapter Chair.

Read the message from PSC CUNY President James Davis:

There is a virtual town hall about the CONTRACT this Sunday 12/22 at 6:30 pm, register here for the zoom.

Read the summaries of increases for every title in our union here:

Contract Update! Tentative Agreement

Chancellor Félix Matos Rodríguez and PSC CUNY President James Davis have reached a contract agreement. Next stop Delegate Assembly Thursday night!

Read the Contract MOA Now: