Waqas khan

Prof. Choi

English 1101 (D348)

Open letter  intro

The use of women empowerment for politics purpose is destroying  women image around the world.In the late 2018 Dr ford accused judge Kavanaugh of sexual assault, that happened 36 years ago shocked most of us. The question is not whether judge kavanaugh was guilty or innocent, but what makes it fishy is that the accusation occurs exactly after kavanaugh was nominated for supreme court. Democrats had no choice but Use Dr. ford in order to stop Judge kavanaugh from being the supreme court judge. while democrats were supporting Dr. ford  on the other hand Republican were against Dr. ford and claimed it false allegations.

3 thoughts on “”

  1. Jaudae Coombs
    Prof. Choi
    English 1101 (D348)
    Open Letter Draft

    Dear, U.S citizens
    The president is someone we trust to make the best and most rational decisions for problems within our country, but Trump hasn’t been fulfilling this job. One of these problems includes immigrants illegally crossing the border. Many immigrants were fleeing and illegally entering the United States to get away from the ongoing violence in their countries causing the number of immigrants illegally crossing the border to increase. The government needed a plan to put a stop to this, so Trump created the “Zero Tolerance” policy as a solution to this problem. Trump’s intentions were to make the consequences of those caught illegally crossing the border more harsh but the consequences were too harsh. Under this policy, adults were prosecuted through the criminal justice system while their kids were processed through the Office of Refugee Resettlement, separating the kids from their families. Trump received major backlash because many people were outraged, and thought this policy needed to be put to an end.

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