Research Essay Checklist

  1. Is my paper argumentative, not simply informative?
  2. Have I answered all the questions in my selected research prompt?
  3. Have I followed the structure for body paragraphs:

-Topic Sentence
-Evidence to support (not limited to one piece)
-Link to thesis

  1. Have I followed the structure for the counter argument paragraph structure:

-Clearly explain what the strongest argument is from the opposition
-Acknowledge that the opposition has a point
-Link back to thesis

  1. Secondary Sources – Make sure whatever appears in your Bibliography is also parenthetically cited within the body of your essay & vice versa

Parenthetical citations:

(author’s last name page number) — (Smith 45)

(author’s last name paragraph number) — (Smith par. 4)
(abbreviated form of title page number/paragraph number) —  (“2000+ Reasons” par. 8)


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