11/21 Class Notes & HW

Notes to come…


1) Research Project Outline due in class on 11/26. (Only those who submitted a proposal can submit an outline.)

2) Final group debates to be held in class on 11/26. Be present and on time! Groups will be called up at random, so if you’re not there, the group will have to debate without you (and they will not be happy with you).

3) Finish essay on two articles we read on GMOs. Due in class on 11/28.

Prompt: Evaluate the strength of the arguments posed by JoAnna Wendel and John Robbins in their respective articles. First, clearly state in your own words what they each argue. Then, go through each of their main points and analyze their weakness/strengths based on the way they unfold and the evidence provided. Finally, based on this analysis, conclude which author has a more convincing article (in terms of evidence, credibility, attention to audience, persuasiveness, language, etc.).

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

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