9/17 Class Notes & HW

Today, we discussed the three sample personal narratives by Sherman Alexie, Anna Quindlen, and Colson Whitehead.


1) No classes on Wednesday, 9/19. Our next class is Monday, 9/24.

2) Complete the first full draft of your personal narrative AND print 3 copies for class on Monday, 9/24. You must bring 3 copies of your Personal Narrative draft in order to participate and received credit for the peer review workshop. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, or do not have 3 printed copies of your essay with you, then you will be marked absent and not be able to participate.

3) Complete the readings for Topic 2: Subject-Verb Agreement & Comma Usage in the Grammar Guide. Be prepared for our next in-class quiz on 9/24.

4) DUE DATE: Monday, October 1

Using your NY Times subscription, select any article published in September 2018, print out the article, and read it. Afterwards, you will need to type a summary of the article and a reading response. The typed summary and reading response AND the article must be turned in on Oct. 1.

Summary Paragraph:

  1. Begin by stating the author’s name, the title of the article, and the article’s main point: a. In “Latinos in Santa Cruz County” Juan Mendoza describes the range of jobs Latinos work at in Santa Cruz county.
  1. Continue summarizing the article by paraphrasing details and points made by the author as per the “Guidelines on Writing a Summary” handout.
  2. If you use a direct quotation from the article, remember to always introduce it with the author’s last name:
    1. Mendoza writes, “Many Latinos . . .” (13).
    2. Mendoza relates that “ many Latinos . . .” (13).
  3. After the quote, explain why the quote is important, interesting, and something that the reader should understand.
  4. Add a transition sentence to your next paragraph.

Response Paragraph:

You can write about anything that connects and relates to the summary paragraph. Remember these two paragraphs discuss the same subject, but in the response paragraph you’re presenting your own ideas, thoughts and opinions. You may choose one of the following to write about:

  1. Write about your emotional response while reading the article. Did you feel excited, angry, confused, upset, happy, like a light just went on in your head? Explain your emotional response while reading and be sure to analyze why you felt that way.
  2. Explain to the reader why the ideas presented in the summary paragraph are important. What do they need to know and understand?
  3. Connect the reading to your own personal experience. Does the text remind you of something in your own life?
  4. Argue with the text. Do you agree or disagree?
  5. Evaluate the text. Would you recommend this text to others? Why or why not?

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