11/7 Class Notes & HW

Today, Open Letter essays were collected. Students also worked on analyzing one of their two secondary sources that they found for hw.


1) Finalize your Research Proposal, which is due in class on Monday, November 12. Late proposals will not be awarded any of the allotted 5% credit, so please ensure you submit your proposal on time! Everyone must submit a proposal in order to proceed with the next parts of the Research Project. Remember that your topic cannot be changed once you submit your proposal. Review the Research Project handout for requirements and information on proper formatting. Proposals that are missing any of the requirements or that do not conform to the proper format will be returned to you, and your grade will be penalized.

2) Print, read, and annotate the following from Unit 5, Part 1 Readings:

3) Read the following from Unit 5, Part 2 Readings:

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