10/17 Class Notes & HW

Today was devoted to our Midterm Exam.


1. Begin drafting the introduction to your Open Letter and post to Open Lab (under Discussion) before 12pm on Sunday, 10/21. Please read and offer constructive criticism to at leastrespond to at least two other students’ The introduction should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Uses an effective lead-in that pulls readers into the essay
  • Provides sufficient exposition (summary of issue and the different perspectives on it)
  • Contains a clear thesis (what is your informed opinion on the issue, including a preview of your main points of support)

2. Read and comment on the introductions of at least 3 your classmates. Please post detailed feedback/comments to each other’s introductions by replying to the individual post. If a particular introduction has already received a few comments and you have nothing new/unique to add, please choose another student’s work to comment on. The deadline for comments is before class on October 22.

3. Find two secondary source (a books, news article, journal, etc.) that you can use as support in your Open Letter essay. Do not use Wikipedia or other Internet sources (unless approved).

On a separate sheet of paper to be collected, summarize the main points of both secondary sources, and then discuss how you will specifically use these sources to support points in your Open Letter. Please type your response for collection on Monday, 10/22.

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