AIGI Exhibit

My trip to the AIGI exhibition was very interesting from what I usually see at an exhibit. The fact they had a lot of amusing poster on the presidential campaign, which was really opinionated mostly against the Republican Party. They had a range of work and artists work there as well. Some of the posters there varied from colorful to dark. The picture above is another look at an image near the entrance but they only had one balloon, which wasn’t inflated.

Milton Glaser

American, b. 1929

CrackPot Party

2011 Giclee Print 17 x 22 in.

The first piece I’ve chosen is by Milton Glaser. Mr. Glaser utilizes shape and color (red and blue) to portray the elephant as a kettle to repsent the Republican Party. Since the elephant is the mascot for Republican Party and the elephant can hold a lot of water in their trunks. The controversial of this piece to me is that the kettle (elephant) has a crack. In society if a kettle is broken or has a crack it is useless because it would leak all over the place. The point of a kettle is to hold liquid, mainly water. I found Milton Glaser work to be very funny and it gets right to the point by saying the republican party holds no weight. As to why he adds text, I think he wanted to emphasize the picture more.

Mirko Ilic

American, b. Bosnia 1956

Daniel Young

American, b. 1941

Nuclear Energy

2010 Silkscreen print Glow in the dark ink 22.25 x 30.25 in.

The second piece I found intriguing is by Mirko Ilic and Daniel young. The reasons I like this piece is mainly because of the bright yellow color. I believe the bright color display things that are radioactive. Also this warm color serves as a warning like a big caution sign. The main focus of this illustration is the top center going towards the bottom. The center holds the nuclear sign with the skeleton face, which draws the views eye’s there first. The text is center using a sans-serif font. This piece is basically saying we need to start making use of safer ways to generate electricity or else we are all doomed.

Matt Dorfman

American, b. 1977

Need New Target

2011 Acrylic, 9mm handgun on rifle target 25 x 38 in.

I saved the best for last. Matt Dorfman is the creator of this piece. The reason this is my favorite piece because of how he implement bin linden into this poster.  I feel this is way out of the ordinary and taking things to the extreme on this much-hated man in society.  He created bin linden as a target for a gun shooting range and most of the shots are aim straight for the face. In the end I feel this piece is very successful in getting the point across. Reason being the title is “Need New Target” because there is nothing left of bin linden and it’s time to move on to more important things.

Source for all pictures