
CET 4864 Online                  Feedback Control Systems            Fall 2022

Credit Hours:            4 Credits with 2.5 Class Hours and 2.5 Lab Hours

Lectures (OL95):       Wednesday   6:00PM-8:30PM            Online

Instructor:                  Mauricio Cardenas MS.CEE

Office:                         Zoom and Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

Phone:                       (718) 254-8684


Office Hours:             Tue, Wed, Thu 5pm – 6pm By appointment (Open by request).

Textbooks:                zyBook Code: CUNYCET4864CardenasFall2022

List Price: $58

Bookstore Price: $52.20 (include 10% bookstore discount)

Pre/Co-requisites:      CET3625, CET4805                Pre- requisite:      MAT2680

Course Description:   Introduction to feedback concepts (positive and negative).  Transient and steady-state analysis using Laplace transforms.  Bode plots and stability criteria.  Lab work includes the use of mathematical analysis and simulation.

Computer Usage:        Frequently. MatLab

Library Usage:             Students are encouraged to use the library as a supplement to the lectures and textbooks.

Classroom (Online) Policy:  

Any activity that threatens the CityTech’s academic integrity will result in a disciplinary action.  Such activities include, but are not limited to, inside or outside classroom cheating, copying others’ work in preparation of your own, giving or receiving information during quizzes, tests, and final examinations. The full academic integrity policy of City Tech can be found at

Online Class Conduct:

Under new CUNY regulations all students are required to be present during the regular session hours.

Attendance:                    Under CUNY mandate, attendance in EACH class is REQUIRED and attendance will be taken at each class meeting.  You are allowed a maximum of 2 absences.  If you exceed that number, you may receive a WU grade.  Excessive lateness (more than 10 minutes) will be an absence from that class meeting.

The assignments are built progressively; it is to your advantage to attend every class meeting.  New material is presented in every class.   You are responsible for all matters treated in class, whether you are there or not.  This includes the lecture, class discussion, handouts, lab (if required), announcements about changes in the course outline, and announcements about changes in test and final exam dates.

Homework:                     Problems will be assigned. Assignments will be collected at the beginning of next class. 

Lab:                                     If the student fails the lab at the end of the semester, he/she also fails the lecture course.

Quiz:                                    Quizzes will be given after each homework.  There won’t be make-up quizzes.

Midterm Exam:          To be determined.  There is no make-up.

Final:                           In-person Final exam will be given at the end of the semester December 21, 2022. Room information will be given at a later time. It will be a cumulative exam. There is no make-up final examination.

Make-Ups:                       No make-up homework, quizzes, tests, or finals will be given.  You miss the homework, quizzes, tests, or final; you get a ZERO!  Only with a note from a doctor, hospital or other serious circumstance will I consider changing the policy.


                                    Homework                                                   10%

                                    Quizzes                                                          20%

                                    Lab                                                                  20%

                                    Mid-term                                                        20%

                                   Final Exam                                                      30%

Grading Scale:              A=100-93                              A-=90-92.9                           B+=89.9-87

                                                B=86.9-83                             B-=82.9-80                           C+=79.9-77

                                                C=76.9-70                             D=69.9-60                             F=59.9 and below

Student Success Strategies:

  • Do not get behind; stay current with reading, homework, and lab assignments.
  • Do all assignments completely and on time.
  • Actively participate in class discussions.
  • Each week review the previous lecture’s notes, write down any questions you have, and bring them to class.
  • Retain your graded assignments in case there are any discrepancies in the instructor’s records.
  • Ask for help as soon as you need it; do not wait until it is too late. Student tutoring support is available in the Tech Learning Center.

Withdrawal Date: Dec 14(W), 2022. Students who are failing should consider officially withdrawing on or before the Withdrawal Date to avoid W or Late Withdrawal appeal.

Course Outline: Textbook – Principles of Feedback Control Systems

Weeks            Topics                                                                                                  ­­­

1 – 2                        Introduction to LTI systems and signals and systems.

3-6                   Modeling in the Frequency Domain: Overview of Feedback Control Systems. Review of relevant mathematical techniques such as ordinary differential. The time-domain and frequency-domain models for dynamic systems.

Dynamic response: Laplace transform, Transfer functions, introduction to block diagram. Time Response of 1st-order and 2nd-order systems, Block Diagram Reduction, Stability Analysis

                                Text: Relevant sections of Ch. 2, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6

7                              Mid-term Exam

8 – 9                        Text: Relevant sections of Ch. 8

10 – 11                   Frequency Response: Bode plot of first and second order system, Nyquist plot.

        Text: Relevant sections of Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6.

12-14                     PID Controller: effect on system response, Root-Locus-Based Controller Design, Frequency-Response-Based Design

                                Text: Relevant sections of Ch. 4, 5, 6

15                           Final Exam

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