Welcome to the CET4773: Internetworking Technology course!

Here you will find information about the course, such as, syllabus, policies, schedule, resources, and the latest announcements so you always know what is going on in the class. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Check out this introductory video. (The first class for Fall 2018 is on Wednesday, August 29, in the classroom).

General Information

Instructor: Prof. Benito Mendoza
Lecture: Wednesday 2:30pm – 5:00pm
Online: Friday 2:30pm – 5:00pm
Classroom: V614
Office: V620
Office Hours: Monday 10:00-12:00, Wednesday 10:00- 12:00, or by appointment.
Email : bmendoza@citytech.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-260-5885

Required material