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If I was to use this image in a design it would be for a web sight that informs people about disaster that can occur in there area. That is because of the way that the waves overlap each other looks like there was a massive disaster of some kind that destroyed everything and only left behind debri.


I learned that shapes, negative and positive sharp all go together. the shapes in the positive space then create shapes in the negative space. it is interesting that a person can create shapes from random cuts in the paper and then use those shapes to create other shapes.

Art Questions

1. Write out your design goal, why are you taking the class?

My design goal is to become a better drawer and to make characters that I create more complex. I am taking this class to help me acquire my bachelors in animation.
2. What type of work inspires you? what else inspires you?

Th woke that inspires me include anime and cartoons. Also sometimes outside things such as animals and people.
3. What is your preferred design process – how do you like to work? (i.e. coding, on the computer, with a marker, pencil, in small notebooks, murals, collages, planned out, spontaneous, etc.)

I prefer to use a pencil and paper/sketch book and it is normally spontaneous.
4.What types of projects would you be interested in collaborating on?

I would be interested in projects such as character creation or scenery design. I prefer anything were I can be creative.