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Ethics #2

A: In the past if I used another artist work, such as, music I would credit the original creator at the end of the work. When it has come to come to my drawings I would use others art as a reference and do not copy someone else’s original work. When looking at a reference it is meant to give inspiration for your own work. I used Google Images, Flickr, and Bing Images to look up my references and through the articles on ethics I’ve learned that if I am never positive about the reference I would need to contact the original artist to confirm that it is ok to use there work. I also, understand that some artists have full rights to there artwork and designs. As stated in the Use of Photography article, “Having all rights would mean the client could use the work in any conceivable way. However, on questioning the client, it often develops that the client does not need all rights. Rather, the client wants to prevent competitors from using the photography (and, of course, the design)“.



AIGA Business_Ethics 47556770-Use-of-photography-1-MB.pdf


B: When it comes to the Fairey Copyright case I believe that Fairey did want to only use Garcia original image as a reference. That is because Fairey states that he looks at about 200 images of Obama in order to create his poster. Even though, he had done that there is a section called “All rights and work-for-hire”. As stated in the Use of Photography article, “Having all rights would mean the client could use the work in any conceivable way. However, on questioning the client, it often develops that the client does not need all rights. Rather, the client wants to prevent competitors from using the photography (and, of course, the design)“. It was stated that the image he chose to work with he took out the American flag and accented the dark and light spots. However, he did not make any significant changes to the image to distinguish it from the original, and there was no credit given to Garicia who the art work originally belonged to. As stated in the Use Of Illustration article, “A troubling ambiguity often exists, however, about whether an image licensed for use in a print medium is then included in the internet version of the print piece. Unless the usage was specified, the rights are not automatically granted“. Therefore, the copyright claim was valid, even though Fairey changed many parts of the image the core piece which is Obama was not altered in any way to say that it was different from Garcia’s original photograph. As stated in the Guide to Copyright article, “The designer, as the copyright owner, has the exclusive rights to reproduce work; license work; prepare derivative works, such as a poster copied from a design; perform work; and display work. However, the owner of a copy of the work can also display it. Any- one who violates these rights is an infringer whom the designer can sue for damages and prevent from continuing the infringement“.



AIGA Busines_Ethics 47556733-Use-of-illustrations-1-MB.pdf

AIGA Business_Ethics 47556770-Use-of-photography-1-MB.pdf

 AIGA Business_Ethics 47556757-Guide-to-copyright-1-MB.pdf

Ethics #1

A: During my internship any and all resources were provided to the inters by our supervisor. Therefore  there was no issue with trademarks or logo.


B:When it came to my internship I did not have to sign any non-disclosures agreement. I was allowed to speak about any part of my internship and did not have to worry whether what I put into my journal entries was allowed or not. I had complete freedom when it came to my entries. 

Self Evaluation

During my time at my internship I have been able to learn more features of the Maya software, I didn’t know about before.  During that time I also learned new animation skills, such as, to never leaving any part of the character still even if it is only a slight movement. It will allow the animation to look fluid and natural. I also learned features pertaining to the camera and its placement. I learned that the camera placement could drastically change the mood of the whole scene, making tense if it is up close or triumphant if it is placed looking up at a character.

There are so many kind people I’ve worked with as well. Everyone is so helpful to each other, like when there is a problem with a scene there was no problem asking for help. Everyone there even had similar interests as me, so it was really easy to strike up a conversation. Which helped me to become a little more sociable. Over all my internship helped me to not just gain experience in animation, but also it showed me that it’s okay to ask for help every once and a while.internship experience

 MAYA Software

Look at MAYA Software setup

Lighting Lesson

During my internship we had a lighting and rendering professional from Blue Sky Studios come in to teach the group how to place lights and properly render a scan. She also took a look at our group project we have been working on. I was able to add even more information about the MAYA software. She even gave us his email address to send any work we have to her to see how we can improve them. Also, to ask any questions we may have about lighting and rendering. It was an amazing networking opportunity and experience.

Real World Experience from an Industry Professional

During my internship we had an animator from Blue Sky Studios come in and talk to us about his experiences in the animation industry, and some of the projects that he had worked on. He also took a look at our group project we have been working on. It was amazing to gain first-hand experience from an industry professional. He even allowed use to show him some of our personal work that we’ve worked on, and gave us his email address to send any work we have to him to see how we can improve them. It was an amazing networking opportunity.

Upcoming events in my Internship

As of right now I don’t have any events I have go on with my internship, but there are many planed for the future. During my internship we will be going to visit animation studios and talk with industry professionals. We will actually be doing this Thursday and on Wednesday a member of the Blue Sky Studio will be dropping by to instruct the inters. It is such an amazing opportunity that I did not know that we would be allowed.

How Comfortable I feel in my Internship

I believe that I am doing very well in my internship. I get along with the other inters and the supervisors. I focus and get the work done every meeting. If there is something I do not understand I ask for help. With this internship I feel that I am becoming more sociable were before this internship I would stay quiet and keep to myself. This internship has helped me to become a more outspoken person, and has allowed me to speak up for what I believe in doing instead of just going with the follow.


Working Collaboratively

A collaborative project is being worked on where all of the inters voted on an idea and are right now storyboarding modeling and beginning to do rough animating for the characters. All 15 of the interns are working together to bring this project to life. The successful part is how easily everyone works together.  The part that wasn’t working so well was that there was one inters that kept trying to force her idea on the others, even though the rest of use agreed on one idea. We heard her out and tried to explain that we want to include every ones ideas, but the majority of use wanted to work on it the way we choice to. So she understood and agreed to work on the project the way everyone agreed on.


Learning during my Internship

During my internship we are learning modeling, animation and rigging.  So far we have learned modeling are still working on animation. We have animated a ball bouncing, and an obstacle course moving. As of right now we are animating our own personal projects. My typical day is coming in we do a opening to get everyone in the mood to work, then the animator begins the lesson while we fallow along with him.


Workplace Environment

The workspace is a very casual atmosphere. It is also very sociable; the supervisors are ok with us interacting with each other during our work hours, and encourage us to ask for questions about any of the lessons we are learning so we do not fall behind. The interns are allowed to dress in jeans and a t-shirt. The workstations are simple just a desk and computer.  The typical work day is from 4pm to 7pm.