Individual Strenght

Up to this point, I have managed significant progress towards the achievement of my nursing goals and objectives. Essentially, the nursing profession requires strong-willed, self-motivated, as well as persistent personalities. Before undertaking my first semester in the nursing program, I thought that the process of acquiring the scientific skills required in diagnosing and treating clients was easy, which I later realized wasn’t the case. However, through my nursing philosophy, I have continually built my nursing skills, thus acquiring more knowledge and competence in the provision of high-quality care services. Today, I effectively diagnose and administer treatment plans to both my clients and their families. Moreover, I efficiently collaborate with other care providers to provide safe and high-quality care services. Furthermore, I effectively handle the delegated assignments besides coordinating with other professionals towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.

In conclusion, I have acquired more knowledge and competency in the nursing profession, and I can compare the experience I have now to when I enrolled in the first nursing program.