Category: 1st Lesson in class

The event held a good public talk. Beatrice Coron, the presenter, did a  great job of how to understand and interpret her works. The slides and videos are also well-timed and organized. It started a little bit boring in the beginning when she was showing her initial work

Plagiarism is an act of steeling someone’s work and not giving any credit to whom it’s due. It doesn’t mean you can’t borrow from someone’s idea or work but you have to provide sources from where do you get your information. However, even if you did cited your sources I  believe it’s unethical just to copy and paste everything from your sources. You have to understand what your’e writing and putting it in your words as much as possible.

I think City Tech Academic Honesty Policy is about making sure that whatever work you’re doing, you’re subject to say that your work is solely yours



I think the Intel’s website,, is one of the good web design out there in world wide web. The webpage is simple, concise and neat looking. I like what they did on their dropdown menus because they hid everything on a single menu, followed by sub menu and these sub-menu will only shows up if you actually point your mouse cursor specifically on that category.


The website is one of the bad website I can think of. You’re bombarded with advertisements and some of their articles are all over the place. Their video player takes a lot of time to load and yes, an advertisement will be played for every beginning and ending of each clip. Their homepage has also too many links placed everywhere making you confused right away to where you specifically want to go next.

Informative Abstract

The new iPhone 4s has a similar look to iPhone 4. Many consumers thought they will get the new iPhone 5 but the article said ‘it’s not what’s in a name but what’s in a phone’. The new iPhone packs a ton of features that seperate the new phone from its predecessor. It has faster processor, better camera and available to three carriers for the first time and new feature of speech recognition.


Descriptive Abstract

The article talks about the new iPhone with the same look but have new features and its little drawbacks. It has new processor, faster camera, speech recognition and available to more carriers. Some of its technology is still in infancy stage but does the job so far.


Executive Abstract



The article is about Steve Job’s accomplishments through the years and what he did to make the Apple Company successful today. According to New York Times, Apple made computers that user- friendly to its consumers and transformed the music and mobile industries communication industries. Early in his career Steve Jobs was also fired from Apple and founded NeXT, another computer company to continue his passion. The NeXT Company failed to success but its core technology was brought to back to Apple’s operating systems.

The article also mentioned how Jobs discussed his lessons learned in Apple. The first one is ‘Do whatever it takes’. This was about the design of the glass cover in iPhone early in 2007. They were running out of time but the design eventually paid off. Another Job’s lesson was ‘Good ideas take time’ this goes back to NeXT company where he had this idea to turn books, art and music in digital technology which happens to be

It already happened to me once in 2008 when my professor mistakenly gave me a credit for a class work that wasn’t mine. The work was about a writing a simple code for a program software that computes your average grade. He acknowledged the work he thought I did all alone at the end of the class. My classmate who really did most of the work already left so I was on the situation where do I take the credit or explain to him that my other classmate did most of the job.

It clearly came to my mind to tell the truth about the classwork because I felt it’s wrong to take someone’s work for your benefit without giving them credit. It’s like stealing someone’s hard earned money. My professor then replied back and said he thought I did it because the other guy was like always slacking in the class and never came on time.  I understand what he was trying to say because at that point the guy was on the path of failing the class. So I said to my professor that may be he’s coming to realization of failing the class and wanted it to turned it around and passing it. The following meeting I told my classmate what happened and he was thankful for what I did.

There’s a saying “an apple a day keeps the doctors away”. This saying is commonly used because of couple things apple can do in your body. According to, apples help  control your insulin blood level that slows the release of sugar to  your blood stream. The site also mentioned when eating apple the risk of having different types cancer are decreased. I’m not saying that oranges don’t have any benefits on your body. The truth is they are rich in Vitamin C which fights off a lot diseases but your body needs more than that to fight disease. The skin of the apples can be also eaten and contain nutritions that help you fight diseases. Unlike oranges, you have to throw out the skin because you can’t eat those. Apples come in different colors too like red, green and semi yellow. So I think it’s not bad to try apple this time instead of eating oranges.

The site is well-organized and pretty much straight forward.  The webpage displays an enormous and variety of information about immigration, different types of visas and U.S. citizenship. I like how the site is organized from the bold color red and clear titles. I would like to darken a little bit the background color white because for me it’s just too bright.

In the right pane of the page, you can find “Where do I start?” which I find really easy to use and it actually gives you the categorized information and options of what you want to learn more about. This would make your search easier as it asks you directly what do you need. In addition, the Form I-765  wasn’t hard to find. The homepage itself has a big “search box”, right below the “Where do I start?” area. So I type the form I was looking for and it only took 3-5 seconds before a list of options appeared and the first option was the one I was looking for.

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