As kids start school and start growing older they face problems. One of the problems is bullying. Many parents may not know that their kids may be going through this and the kids suffer in silent scared to let anybody else know, in fear that the bully might physically hurt them or emotionally keep hurting them. Bullying it usually is a relationship problem and requires relationship based solutions. There are many types of bullying such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber bullying. Physical bullying includes kicking, hitting, tripping pinching, and pushing or damaging property. It can also cause short term or long term damage. Verbal bullying is name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. Social bullying is when hurting someone social reputation and/or cause humiliation. Social bullying includes: lying and spreading rumors, mimicking unkindly, social excluding someone. Cyber bullying is a behavior using digital technologies, like social media, instant messaging, texts, websites and other online platforms. It can happen at anytime publicly or privately and sometimes it is a only known to the target and the bully. Cyber bullying includes: Abusive and hurtful texts, emails, or videos, deliberately excluding others online, nasty gossip or rumors, imitating others online or using their log-in. There are many signs of bullying such as emotional and behavioral signs. Some emotional and behavioral signs are, changes in sleep patterns, changes in eating patterns, mood swings, feeling ill constantly in the mornings, and becoming more aggressive. There are also physical sign of bullying such as bruises, cuts, scratches; coming home with missing or damaging belongings or clothes. As well as school signs of bullying such as when the kid no longer wants to go to school, or when they are frighten every time they walk to school or changes their route to school, doesn’t want to take public transportation to go to school, their grades are decreasing. Sometimes when kids exclude themselves from friendships groups at school, their always seem to be the target of teasing or mimicking. The most kids who are most likely to be at risk of bullying are those who are overweight, have glasses, or wear different clothing from the rest of the kids, transfer students, or can’t afford the “cool” stuff that other kids can.
Signs Of Bullying | National Centre Against Bullying