To Do:
*Email Tanya and Sean the actor’s detailed schedule (fittings, walk-through, fire egress, dress rehearsal, etc.) and receive a plan from them so you can send out a plan to the rest of the actors.
*Email actors from the past a confirmation if they’ll audition (send audition and rehearsal dates as well as HH Shifts)
*Start the start up training (Due Oct 10) (review manuals)
2. Usher Managers:
*Start the start up training “to do list” (review manuals)
*Email future Ushers a reminder to sign up with shifts and call times for: (Due Nov. 1st)
*Career Day (Nov. 21st, Noon-2pm) and The Trillogy Concert (Dec. 6th, 6-10pm) as days to sign up as usher, ONLY if they can’t do HH
3. Box Office:
*Program Check and Finalize
*Binder Start Up Training (Due Oct 10) (review manuals)
*Clean Out Bin
4. SUE:
Review relocation of tombstone from Nam to Academic Entrance or new entrance on Tillary
(*need permission with Academic building)
5. SUE: Sponsors or donations for HH (Thank You sponsors page for program)
6. SUE: Students Start Ups due date (Oct 10th / TBD) Start Up Practice: Oct 17th 2:30