Networking Event! FREELANCERS HUB “How to effectively create an Elevator Pitch”.

"Lights inside"

First, I got to the building around 5:55 PM in Brooklyn and was immediately directed to the 3rd floor, where the event was about to occur. But these lights and textures caught my attention, so I decided to take a cool picture and edit it in Photoshop to create a dramatic contrast.


I was a little nervous initially because English is not my first language, so I knew I was about to get on stage and create my elevator pitch! While i was getting inside the elevator (a literal elevator) where it would take me to my “Elevator Pitch” Networking Event. But before i was thinking about all of this:

I started by creating my material using bullet points. I actually didnt not add any detail at this stage; I just wrote few notes to help remind me of what I want to say.

  1. Who am I?
  2. What do I offer?
  3. What problem is solved?
  4. What are the main contributions I can make?
  5. What should the listener do as a result of hearing this?
  6. After my outline, on my material, I can finalize the speech.
  7. Everyone knows themselves, so trying to sell yourself and highlight what you’re unique about can’t be an issue.

After locating the “creative room,” I presented myself and gave my name, and they placed me on the guest list.

"Inside the event"

After we were settled in, everyone could pitch their elevator and introduce themselves to the public to “break the ice.”


It’s time to dive into it!!

Create your pitch in five steps, to be effective.

  1. According to panelist Jessica Sinclair, you should think about and write down your top work and school experiences using the STAR Method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result). Choose one one-to-two experiences you want to pitch.
  2. Shorten each story to a sentence or two focusing on your actions and the results of those actions.
  3. Analyze the common themes:
    1. What are you good at?
    2. What do you like doing?
    3. Are you a problem solver, analytical thinker, effective communicator, innovator, etc?
  4. Tailoring your pitch for the audience/person you are speaking to and the setting you are in
  5. Put it together and make it conversational. Add a question to the end of your description or offer to help someone with something they are working on. 

On the other hand, another excellent piece of advice is that before introducing myself, I have to take time to record my voice. This helps with the “ummm” pauses, and I can listen to my tone.

I start my pitch by saying my name, smiling, and extending my hand for a handshake. To add more pleasantry, I should add, “It’s nice to meet you.” I should also make eye contact, and if my palms are sweaty, I shouldn’t shake my hands.

After I have developed all my ideas,

  • This is where you’ll give a brief summary of your background.
  • Please include the most relevant information, such as your education, work experience, and/or key specialties or strengths.
  • Think outside the box and be truthful but creative
  • Mention if do community service, leadership roles, are you a alumni etc
  • You have 60 seconds or LESS TO HOLD THEIR ATTENTION.
  • This step will depend on how you’re using the pitch.
  • How can you help them with EYZ?
  • The “ask” of your pitch could be a consideration for a job opportunity, internship, or to get contact information.
  • This is a good opportunity to explain the value you’ll bring, why you’re a good fit.
  • “If I work for your company I will turn around your sales with my efficient software”
  • At the end, we must finish strong, no matter what.

And finally, the greatest advise that Ms. Sinclair gave to us was:

  • Take your time
  • Make it conversational
  • Express confidence
  • Remember the 3 Cs for giving an elevator pitch: Cool, Calm, Collected
  • Customize your pitch
  • Dress professionally
  • Practice! Practice!
"Modern art and communication"

Networking Event 🙂

"New York City College of Technology"