A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio

Author: Christopher Adams (Page 3 of 3)

Assignment 2

For assignment 2, our task was to arrange and plan our time management accordingly. Once again, we were split into groups, and my team member and I had to work and think as technical directors. We were responsible for ensuring that materials were ordered and delivered on time while managing crew schedules and availability. Additionally, we had to manage the schedule for the building of set components. We needed to draw plans for the build, research materials, and paint needed for a quick turnaround from one show to another. The task was overwhelming due to the scope of the assignment. I learned a lot about time management time, specifically, the importance of making a list.

ENT 4410 Technical Direction

Assignment 1 

This assignment required we give detailed instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as requested by the designer. All classmates were split into teams. We needed to provide clear concise instructions on ingredient requirements, a budget, construction drawings, and utensils needed to complete the task. All of the mentioned requirements needed to fit into one box upon delivery. The assignment was a challenge that required intense attention to detail. Our job was to make sure that the reader would be able to carry out and understand the instructions. That was not the case for our team, our instructions lacked clarity in some parts, making it difficult for the reader to understand and complete the task to the best of their ability.

View our PB&J Instructions here: PB&J Instructions

Peanut Butter & Jelly Ingredients   

Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich


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